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1Rabbet(Fin) Empty Rabbet(Fin) Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:20 am

Rabbet Dusky

Rabbet Dusky
Enrollment Form

Rabbet(Fin) Latest?cb=20121104061112

Basic info
Name: Rabbet Dusky
Age: 22
Birthday: September 25th
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'6" / 198cm
Weight: 260 pounds
Face Claim: Zhao Yun- Dynasty Warriors 6

STR: 5 + 1
DEF: 3
RES: 3
SPT: 1
Aura 20|280 HP

Group: Undecided
Likes:  People knowing the way their own weapon works: He's known many people who carry a blade but have no idea how to use it. When people know how to use their weapons, he's often pleased.

His own Spear-work: He prides himself on his skill with his weapon. He's fully willing to prove it to those who don't believe him.

Pears: It's his favorite food, man. Don't judge.

Dislikes: He rather dislikes most people, noting how life's for fighting and learning and not friends.

Gun-Users: He finds it the cowards way to not fight face to face, this doubles for sniper-users.

Facial Hair: He finds it itchy and refuses to grow it on his face.
Fears: Failing his comrades: This comes from his teachings, he fears failing comrades will lead to failure of it all.

Dying old and alone: While the alone part is secondary, he fears dying of old age. He'd rather go out fighting.

Dragons: Komodo or not; he's never seen one. He's just really scared of them.
Overall Personality: He's a stern man, seemingly wise past his age. Which, to an extent, is true. He wasn't raised like the other kids, but more on that later. He looks at things from a perspective of fighting and learning, and finds a situation useless if he can do neither. His thinking, while skewed, makes sense. He has the presence of a leader, a man that can lead forces in a battle. There's a reason. He was bred for battle, and risen upon the greatest literature  and taught military strategy from a young age.  It's where his presence comes from. It's not a natural presence, it's a trained one.

His back is always straight, his head always up. It'd be disrespectful to not do so, and not being respectful can be quite a determent on your record with him. He cares not if you're nice, or if your mean. As long as you are respectful, he'll tolerate you. He can't tolerate many, but if you get on his good side, you might actually get a joke out of him. If you're luck, which most aren't.

Aura type: Power
Aura Color: Lightblue
Semblance: Strength buff: His muscles grow tenser at the command of his semblance, boosting his strength by two.
Item 1: Tier one weapon: His spear, made out of fine wood and strong metal, it's highly decorated. The spear is about 7 feet long for the sake of his height.
Item 2: The armour in the picture above is stuff he designed and had made custom for his build. It's made to protect from physical attacks.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

2Rabbet(Fin) Empty Re: Rabbet(Fin) Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:50 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Approved ^^

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