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Heath Freud(FIN)

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1Heath Freud(FIN) Empty Heath Freud(FIN) Mon Mar 23, 2015 6:10 pm

Sebastian Black

Sebastian Black
Enrollment Form

Heath Freud(FIN) Thing

Basic info

Name: Heath Freud

Age: 24

Birthday: January 26th

Gender: Male

Race: Fanus(Cheetah, Retractable claws and a tail. He hides the tail.)

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 150 Pounds

Face Claim: made with Rinmaru


STR: 5

DEF: 3

RES: 3

SPT:  1

Aura100|200 HP


Group: Medical

Likes: Nice people: It helps when you see kindred souls. Certainly does.

Running: Ex-track star, he’s just adapted a love of running.

Parkour: While this centers from illegal races, he adores running about and jumping and climbing.

Dislikes: Fanus who hate humans for no reason: He’ll be real with you. He got bad stuff for being fanus in school, and he doesn’t hate humans. Especially when you have a tail. You know how many people grabbed it? Lots! He just can’t find a reason to hate all humans for the stuff a few, or a lot to do. Individual cases.

Drugs: Poison your system with them? God no. He might be competitive, but finds drugs going too far.

Green foods: He hates the color green, and absolutely refuses to eat any green colored food. He’s looking at you, broccoli.

Fears: His lasting foot injury being revealed: Due to an accident during his illegal races, he doesn’t want it to be revealed. Plus, it’d make people go slower in a race. He can’t allow that. The foot injured? The right one.

Being blind: Comes from the fact that he spends most of his time climbing over things and such. If you are blind, it’s hard to do that.

Getting last place in a competition: While he’s fine with losing a fight, as it allows you to get stronger, he actually fears getting last place. No rewards, no glory. People look at you lower.

Overall Personality: He’s a very competitive guy, always up for some kind of race or fight. He won’t go after them though. It’s not his place to go after them, unless it’s a public, or occasionally, private competition he’s invited to. He always wants to help people, even in races. Occasionally, he does help people mid competition, but he’s stopped since it’s been used against him more than once. Of course, this is partly where the want to become a field medic came from.

Outside of competition, he wants to help everyone and anyone. You’re on your arse without money? He’ll dig what he has out of his pocket and figure out what he can spare. If you’re surronded, in he comes to attempt to even the odds. He’s kind of heart, through and through. He’s willing to sit about and listen to your problems.

It’s his flaw. He’s too selfless, and cares less about his own injuries then he does others. It’s what caused the injury to his foot a few years back. It hasn’t stopped him, though. Never will it. He’s too nice to stop being nice.


Aura type: Power

Aura Color: Grey

Semblance: Teleportation: He can teleport up to 10 meters per teleport, and can teleport another person with him(has to be touching)

Item 1: Bow and Arrows: Pictured on his back, are his bow with a quiver full of arrows. He used to play around with them, but now, it’s what he just uses to fight. He’s practiced quite a few hours, since he had a lot of free-time.

Item 2: His shirt is made out of tough material. It’s physical armour.

History and Sample

RP Sample:

Last edited by Artiousous on Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:52 pm; edited 27 times in total

2Heath Freud(FIN) Empty Re: Heath Freud(FIN) Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:04 pm

Sebastian Black

Sebastian Black
Bump of finish...ness.

3Heath Freud(FIN) Empty Re: Heath Freud(FIN) Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:01 pm

Sebastian Black

Sebastian Black
Done once more~

4Heath Freud(FIN) Empty Re: Heath Freud(FIN) Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:08 pm

Sebastian Black

Sebastian Black
Done for the third time; final time this time I'd hope.

5Heath Freud(FIN) Empty Re: Heath Freud(FIN) Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:01 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Heath Freud(FIN) Zzzz28

6Heath Freud(FIN) Empty Re: Heath Freud(FIN) Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:13 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Removed for a revamp

7Heath Freud(FIN) Empty Re: Heath Freud(FIN) Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:52 pm

Sebastian Black

Sebastian Black
It's nice and reworked!

8Heath Freud(FIN) Empty Re: Heath Freud(FIN) Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:42 am

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Approved ^^

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