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Selkie Heart Done~

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1Selkie Heart Done~ Empty Selkie Heart Done~ Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:27 pm

Selkie Heart

Selkie Heart
Enrollment Form

Selkie Heart Done~ Img_b10

Basic info
Name: Selkie Funua Heart
Age: 28
Birthday: 3/4
Gender: female
Race: human
Face Claim: sylia stingray from bubblegum crisis tokyo 2040

Aura 180|120 HP

Group:Academic Major
Likes: Enjoy's dressing others up, finding it very fun and try's to get them to dress how she likes.
Flirting with the younger crowd can be fun,  if she notices they are interested in going further she might turn it more into just her playing around, after all shes not a spring flower that can be picked when ever.
Her brother, Dewi even though hes more silent and does not speak all to much she understand his rage so she is out to protect him by any means even if that means she has to beat it into him.
Dislikes: Selkie hates nothing more when she has a suit malfunction from cheep product's no one needs to see what shes wearing under her garments.
Being called old or over the hill, shes got a few thing the younger crowd does not have and that's experience.
Having to remind her brother that his inner rage will get him killed if hes not careful.
Fears: What older sibling wouldn't fear loosing a close family member, loosing her little sister was enough, but she will no loose Dewi the same way.

Being torn apart by a grim.

Shadows, sudden shadows spook her and could cause her to panic.

Overall Personality: Selkie is a very lively developed women, she knows what she wants and often can use her charms to get it. She very talkative if she get on to a subject she understands. while she is a few years shy of 30 she is on the hunt often called a cougar by a few of her older friends who have married. she normally will blow that off and tell the person shes with to ignore them. quick to piss of if you call her old as she hates being called old because shes just well developed and will often lead to a quick punch, or a groin kick with her walking off. Selkie's choice of clothing often makes her a prime candidate for some more main stream dreams like that of the naughty teacher is one that makes her laugh laugh so hard she might break into tears or spit out a drink leading to a short sudden snort of laughter, which means shes really happy. Selkie loves to be happy but is stern often can be called controlling if the times calls for it.

Aura type: Recovery +5 sp per post
Aura Color: Intimidation red.
Semblance: Commanders Presence:The semblance know as Commanders presence is a buff/debuff. The user can targe a single target with in a 30 meter range or or have it work on a mass scale to buff more then one ally or debuff ore then one enemy.  those targeted get a small red aura like collar around their neck much like a choker, this signifies who has been tagged by the semblance.  Selkie can buff any stat she deems needed for a mission or if she notices her enemy's strength she can she can debuff the highest stat on an enemy by 2 or hit multiple enemy's for -1 in any stat. for her to activate she often needs to point out that she is the leader an with her here her comrades will not fall with out a fight. often to invoke passion and confidence in her allys and also to inflict fear and uncertainty in her enemy's.

Item 1:Exoskin-Dust armor,  The Exoskin is a thin tight rubbery suit that grips to the users skin like a glove. The suit is self is the key to using the Saber suit to it desired performance. Having to wear the suit on bare skin cause it to pick up electronic signals the body produces and transfer them to the suit to react at an accelerated rate to keep up with the bodys reactions compared to most suits.  This suit provides protection from dust based attacks-

Item 2:  Saber Suit: Physical armor the saber suit is a custom form fitted suit of armor. to cut the cost of needing super sensitive sensors in the suit to pick up the body movement this suit is to be used only with the Exoskin on.  The user who this suit is fitted for is the only one who will fit in to this suit as the exoskin will not touch in the right spots that it needs to. the suit is quite durable for its size and becuase of how snug it is on the body.  the suit is able to shift between two looks as it helps when choosing the turain one has to fight in. one is ore suited for aerial and dust combat while the other is used better for ground and close quarters fighting. the suit in emergency can force its self open for the ocupant to climb out. if pinned to the ground the mechanisms that alow this can be forced to hold the user in. not matter the look the suit only can protect from physical attacks.

History and Sample
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2Selkie Heart Done~ Empty Re: Selkie Heart Done~ Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:40 pm

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
Selkie Heart Done~ Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

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