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Anderson Aorn(FIN)

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1Anderson Aorn(FIN) Empty Anderson Aorn(FIN) Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:41 pm

Anderson Aorn

Anderson Aorn
Enrollment Form

Anderson Aorn(FIN) Timegazer.Magician.240.1728815

Basic info

Name: Anderson Aorn.

Stage Name: The Black Mage

Age: 31

Birthday: October 25th

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6’11”

Weight: 200 pounds

Face Claim: Timegazer Magician from YGO ARC V


STR: 5




Aura 150|150 HP


Major: Combat

Likes: Theater: He didn’t join up 15 years ago because he didn’t care, he loves theater and loves being in it.

Entertaining People: He’s an entertainer at heart.

Defeating Grimm: It’s how he got to the academy.

Dislikes: People who ruin fun: It’s fun for a reason, of course, this only retains to things that really don’t need to be stopped.

His Family: It’s a long story, but he really doesn’t like his family.

Super serious people: What’s the point?

Fears: Death: It’s a normal fear.

Being stabbed in the heart: Not because it leads to death, but it’s just...yikes.

Being burnt to a crisp: Burning alive is the scariest thing because he doesn’t know how long it takes for you to die.

Rats: Yuck.

Overall Personality: Anderson is mature and kind to people, very smart and is almost always plotting something. In fights, he takes it easy at first, but when his instinct kicks in, he is ruthless and very professional. Something uncanny for an actor such as him, but it’s just how he is. His supposed training mainly comes from his smarts. He likes to think things up, as mentioned before, but it’s also to note that he’s read quite a few books on this stuff. Just in case. You never know when you’ll need to dive deep into something you’ve only read about.

He can't be bothered to be serious all the time, though. He's mature, just not always serious.


Aura type: Recovery

Aura Color: Black

Semblance: Pyromancy: He can conjure fire from the heat in the air, and manipulate how it how he will. It follows normal damage semblance rules, and is always purple in color.

Item 1: His staff! T1, It’s a staff that has a wooden-looking outside, but the inside is made of metal.


Item 2: His black cloak and hat are considered T1 magical armor.

History and Sample


RP Sample:

Last edited by Anderson Aorn on Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Anderson Aorn(FIN) Empty Re: Anderson Aorn(FIN) Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:59 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Alright this is a very good app ^^ The only thing is, despite what you've put, two of your fears are a little to similar. Just add a fourth unrelated to his death and you're good ^^ Bump when done

3Anderson Aorn(FIN) Empty Re: Anderson Aorn(FIN) Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:50 pm

Anderson Aorn

Anderson Aorn

4Anderson Aorn(FIN) Empty Re: Anderson Aorn(FIN) Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:59 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart

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