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Miko Hāfu, Only Half of the Equation [Finished]

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Miko Hāfu

Miko Hāfu
Enrollment Form

Miko Hāfu, Only Half of the Equation [Finished] LOUXy43

Basic info
Name: Miko Hāfu
Age: Nine
Birthday: June 27th
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 61.4 lbs
Face Claim: Young Raven - Gravity Rush Series

STR: 5 (+1)
DEF: 1
RES: 1
SPT: 5
Aura 200|100 HP

Major: Citizen
Likes: -Kida
Dislikes: -Talking to other people besides her brother.
-Being awake.
Fears: -Losing Kida.
-Being alone.
-Grimm, but not to the extent that she cannot kill them.
Talent: Athleticism
Weakness Social Interaction
Overall Personality:
Miko isn't an independant girl, she relies on Kida to be near her at every single moment of the day, and every single second of the night. She can, however, be in a different room than him and be fine... For a short time. Everybody needs privacy and all, she can take a little bit of alone time.
Due to her past, being seperate from her brother for extended periods of time is a nightmare. It scares her to even think about it, so if she were to actually experience it...
She can't even stay far away from him for over a minute. The bathroom is really the only time she can stay away from him for that long.

~With Kida~
Even still, Miko is an incredibly shy individual. She has social anxiety, she can hardly speak by herself. With Kida, however, Miko can talk just fine. Without she's a wreck, with she's a normal human being.

Aura type: Strength
Aura Color: Black
Semblance: Energy Leech: Contrary to the misleading title, Energy Leech is actually just a fancy-shmancy Debuff. Miko, when debuffing, takes one stat point away and gives herself the opposite. When she is debuffing a curved triangle of black light appears. The long side (which is also the hypotenuse, since the triangle is a right triangle) is attached to the target, and the sharp point is attached to Miko, specifically her heart. It has the aesthetic that the black light is being sucked out of the taget and entering Miko, and this is because she is stealing their energy, in a way.

~Chart of Explaination~

Miko steals one point and gives herself the opposite. When she is debuffing someone, it is known as being "attached". The one point buff Miko recieves when debuffing is only viable against the debuff target. Person A (Who is being debuffed) loses one defense point, and Miko gains one strength point. Miko hits person A and person A feels the full effect of the buff. Person B comes alone and Miko hits them while still "attached" to person A, person B takes normal damage.

Def -1 = Str +1
Str -1 = Def +1
Res -1 = Spt +1
Spt -1 = Res +1

-Offensive Semblance-
In addition, if her brother is within contact-range, Miko and Kida are able to combine their aura's by clasping one of their hands with the other's, pointing their free ones at the target. Their aura will then coagulate into a white-black swirling beam just in front of their palms before blasting the opponent with 20 dmg.

Item 1: Two energy-style machine pistols, one white, one black.
Miko Hāfu, Only Half of the Equation [Finished] Weapon___energy_pistol_by_longgi-d5psfi8
Item 2: N/A

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Liyla Itskadonashi on Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

Miko Hāfu

Miko Hāfu

Sammey White

Sammey White
Miko Hāfu, Only Half of the Equation [Finished] Sammey15

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