So it seems Like staff is split between whether or not to give Grimm their own stats, just like the players. And so we are going to involve all of you to settle this. We will go with whatever is voted on.
Sonata wrote:Grimm as they are now only list a simple HP range and intelligence level. With the addition of stats to round them out, it will A.) make the site feel more complete and thought out, and B.) it will give RP'ers something to compare their characters to when fighting and make decisions. Not to mention it would be easier to tell how much damage a grimm of X difficulty should do, how hard they are to hit, what damage you'll do back to them, etc.
To keep it short, it's bringing grimm up to the exact system people use for their characters, which makes them easy to understand, and gives them each more unique flavor based on their stats.
Leena wrote:Adding stats to the grimm will over complicate an already complicated system. Players as of now of to roll the dice, Then look up what grimm they got, Then see how meany of said grimm they got, Then look up what level it is, possibly even look up how much damage they do if the player doesn't already know, and pick a reasonable HP level. Why add more to that list? As is stands now, You already get how strong each grimm is, and what it takes to defeat them. You even get the thought processes and intelligence. Giving stats to these creatures that only last one topic is adding on a needless extra step. The grimm are unique based on their level, HP, and the style of whoever RP's them.