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Markus Taluskair (Finished)

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1Markus Taluskair (Finished) Empty Markus Taluskair (Finished) Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:02 am

Markus Taluskair

Markus Taluskair
Enrollment Form

Markus Taluskair (Finished) 813204

Basic info
Name: Markus Klyne Taluskair
Age: 18
Birthday: 09/13
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'1
Weight: 160lbs
Face Claim: Alvaro Garay - kagerou usuba

Aura 200|100 HP

-Quite drinks in bars he shouldn't be in
-Discovering peoples passions
-Rare foods and learning about where they came from
-Hermits and people who shut out the world
-His last name, he prefers to introduce himself as Markus Klyne.
-Bland flavors, bland people, bland cities
-being stuck in one place never seeing the world
-Frogs (the day he sees a frog grimm is the day he  returns to bar tending instead of hunting)
-Self-centered people or people who take themselves too seriously.
Overall Personality: Markus likes big bold experiences, old and new. He likes people but he hates crowds (too impersonal). He is a usually happy person who tend to be a little on the gluttonous side. He succumbs to his impulses far more than he should and it tends to backfire on him. Getting into a fight means you already lost. Markus would rather buy someone a drink as an apology than bring the confrontation to blows. If you have a new dish to try, a new story to tell, or a new place to see Markus will be there till the very end.

Aura type: Spirit
Aura Color: Amber
Semblance: Aqua Vita - Water of Life.
Markus is an avid connoisseur of fine drinks. Growing up in a small bar with his grandfather he learned the fine craft of tending one and serving drinks. His semblance imitates that in some form. Using his semblance he can infuse his aura into a drink if it has the right properties. Water works well since it acts like an acid and a base but alcohol is his personal preference because it seems to react better with his aura. When doing so if someone drinks the new cocktail they will feel a temporary boost in a specific stat. Drinking more than one cocktail will cancel out both of the effects and leave an Aura infused hangover almost immediately; Always drink responsibly. With his skill and semblance he can create the drinks with rather impressive speed, making the correct drink for the correct occasion, and at the precise measurements to insure nobody ingests too much of the rather potent mix. He can create one cocktail at the cost of 10 aura and can split the drink with one individual for half the effect on both parties.

Item 1: Weapon - Portable Bartenders Kit
A small metal suitcase weighing only a  few pounds. Inside are a few stainless steel shot glasses. Mixing spoons of various sizes, a shaker and many other bar tending essentials. The suitcase is extremely durable and able to take the impact of grimm talons and claws without sustaining a scratch. Used as a bludgeoning weapon in extreme circumstances.
Item 2:Dust; Water.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Markus Taluskair on Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Markus Taluskair (Finished) Empty Re: Markus Taluskair (Finished) Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:30 pm

Markus Taluskair

Markus Taluskair
(Ever so slight bump)

3Markus Taluskair (Finished) Empty Re: Markus Taluskair (Finished) Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:33 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Approved ^^

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