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Byun Rogue

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1Byun Rogue Empty Byun Rogue Thu May 12, 2016 11:26 am

Byun Rogue

Byun Rogue
Enrollment Form

Byun Rogue 49376_1283300576537_full

Basic info
Name: Byun Rogue
Age: 18
Birthday: January 1
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 175 centimeters
Weight: 140.01 pounds
Face Claim: Whoever's in the picture, I don't know the name -.- I just use Bing images

STR: 2
DEF: 3
RES: 3
SPT: 4
Aura 180HP 120

Major: Combat Major
Likes: Ice cream, combat, living up to the name "Rogue", music, drawing, watching other people fight each other
Dislikes: People, plants, pretty much whatever moves or lives, chocolate
Fears: His mother, drowning, losing what he cares for most
Overall Personality: Often coming across as cocky, Rogue tends to have full faith in his abilities, knowing how strong he is and usually being able to accurately judge if an opponent is stronger/weaker than him. Rogue is usually cold/cruel or unkind toward those around him, giving off a malicious aura at first; those who know him well know that he does possess a kinder side under the layers of thorns. Rogue is often the definition of psychotic, causing people to steer clear of him, which is best for their health; Rogue has been known to randomly start fights in the past, as combat is often something he finds as something amusing rather than something to be taken seriously.

Aura type: Recovery
Aura Color: Dark blue
Semblance: {Damage Semblance} Gilded Fury: Rogue's Semblance is an electrokinetic attack that builds up inside of his Dan Jun (the center of his being) before he expels it outward at high velocity and with high power. However, Gilded Fury leaves him winded for at least five seconds, so he prefers not to use it unless it's for a one hit knock out, he's fighting with a team, or he's desperate.
Item 1: {Weapon} Dragon's Edge: a hwando (a Korean 'katana') of one meter and five centimeters in length, made of dark blue and deep crimson steel made to appear scaled, carried in a black geomjip (scabbard) at his left hip
Item 2: Water dust :3

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Main Theme:
Combat Theme:

2Byun Rogue Empty Re: Byun Rogue Thu May 12, 2016 3:25 pm

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
Byun Rogue Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

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