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William Dagenheart

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1William Dagenheart Empty William Dagenheart Mon May 16, 2016 4:04 pm

William Dagenheart

William Dagenheart
Enrollment Form

William Dagenheart 322?cb=20140114055553

Basic info
Name: William Dagenheart
Age: 19
Birthday: March 24th
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 152 Lbs.
Face Claim: Found on google images. (Even though the Artist's name is ellygraden90. )

STR: 2
DEF: 2
RES: 4
SPT: 4
Aura 140|160 HP

Major: Academic
Likes: Video Games, Reading literature, and Classical music
Dislikes: Selfish People, Acts of Betrayal, and Bad Fanfiction
Fears: Failing to protect others, Being worthless, Geese (especially Geese)
Overall Personality: Often times Introverted, William usually keeps to himself when people first meet him. However, he's rather friendly to others once people get to know him. He's a rather humble yet loyal individual with a strong sense of honor and justice. He also has a above average I.Q. of 128, due to his time engrossed in books and literature. If one where to find him around the campus, He'll be usually be found with his face buried in a novel he found in the library. He's also a exceptional musician with his primary instrument being the Piano. He's also a bit of a gentleman when it comes to friendship.

Aura type: Recovery
Aura Color: Light Blue
Semblance: Electrokinesis. This semblance does exactly as advertised, Deals out lightning damage to opponents.
Item 1: Electric Cutlass, A lethal cutlass made out of a specialized metal to slice through some armor.
Item 2: Dust: Tier one Air (contained underneath coat. Coat looks like this: )

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by William Dagenheart on Tue May 17, 2016 11:45 am; edited 2 times in total

2William Dagenheart Empty Re: William Dagenheart Tue May 17, 2016 2:08 am

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
William Dagenheart Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

3William Dagenheart Empty Thank You Tue May 17, 2016 2:09 am

William Dagenheart

William Dagenheart

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