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Logo Rengo(FIN)

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1Logo Rengo(FIN) Empty Logo Rengo(FIN) Mon May 09, 2016 10:27 pm

Logo Rengo

Logo Rengo
Enrollment Form

Logo Rengo(FIN) Bakuman+3+-+25+-9

Basic info
Name: Logo Rengo Pachetti
Age: 27
Birthday: 23rd of November
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'5
Weight: 200
Face Claim:Nobuhiro Mashiro - Bakuman

STR: 5 + 1
DEF: 3
RES: 3
SPT: 1
Aura 50|250 HP

Major: Combat
Likes: Simple things in life: It's the simple things that allow the complicated to happen.

Taking a good thing, and keeping it that way: Now. He's known for turning bad people good, but also bad people terrible. He does like keeping a good thing, be it a person or not, the way they are. Nourish it. Don'tch'now?

Making sure everyone's alright: He's really not the worse guy ever, honest. He wants to be sure everyone is doing okay.

Stealing things: His favorite pastime.

Seeing things through: He likes seeing things through.

Dislikes: Wanna-be Gangsters: God they're terrible. Won't even kill a guy.

Pineapples: They taste yucky

Coffee: Again, tastes terrible. He prefers cold water.
Fears: Haphephobia: The fear of being touched. It's to the point where he always wears gloves. As long as he wears gloves, he'll be fine.

Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting

Alektorophobia: Fear of chickens.
Overall Personality: He's a tough, stern type of guy. It comes from his stretch as a gang member, and for a time, leader. He might not look the type, but he'll go hand in- wait, you have to touch him?! Never mind. Not hand in hand. That's a terrible idea. However, other then touching, he's a tough guy. Sure, he doesn't hide his emotions. He finds absolutely no reason to hide his emotions. He, while liking to draw out the bad in obviously bad people, hates corrupting the innocent. He sees no point in it. Honest. Oh. He's also bluntly honest, to the point where it could be considered a flaw. After all, why do you lie when you can deal with whatever the consequence. One might think that you could die, one would have to care about death first. Mind you, he's not stupid. He'd rather not have to deal with death, but he notes it as something that can happen.

He's also not wise. He just has a few sayings. One is this, "I heard a rich guy tell me that we're all gamblers in life, no matter what happens. I think he's right."

Aura type: Power
Aura Color: White
Semblance: Earth Manipulation: Can be used in offense, defense but must be connected to the ground in some way.
Item 1: Due to liking things simple, he uses a large, heavy wooden bokken to fight Grimm and people alike. It's roughly 3 and 3/4s feet long, and weighs 2.5 lbs. Not the heaviest, but made out of strong wood. Strong enough to stop most metal, that is.(Weapon, T1)
It's held in a sheath on his back.
Item 2: His brown coat is T1 Physical armor.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

2Logo Rengo(FIN) Empty Re: Logo Rengo(FIN) Tue May 17, 2016 10:11 pm

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
Logo Rengo(FIN) Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

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