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chace coal finished awaiting aproval

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1chace coal finished awaiting aproval Empty chace coal finished awaiting aproval Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:20 pm

Chace Coal

Chace Coal
Basic info
Name: Chace Coal
Age: 18
Birthday: 14th september
Gender: male
Race: faunus His cat ears hear things more clearer than the average human ears and can hear things like  the breaking of a branch more easier than a human would do. His tail moves back and forth like a regular cats tail too and he can hiss.
Height: 6ft5
Weight: 175lbs
Face Claim:

SPT: 1
Aura 150|150 HP (change in multiples of 10)

Major: combat
Likes: games, fighting evil, friends, training
Dislikes: letting others down, lack of sleep, fighting friends
Fears: family and friends dying, not being able to protect himself, being trapped in small spaces for he is claustrophobic.
Overall Personality: Chace is someone who can be quite direct. This is due to him not having many friends and closing others off. As such he can come off as a rude person to others. Coal can be quite overconfident thinking he can do things others can not. He is calm a lot of the time but he can be just as emotional as others when he wants to be. Coal is is actually a kind person and cares for his friends and family. He doesn't like to see others get hurt or killed and dreads to imagine that happening. Coal is quite happy go lucky as he can just be as lazy at times as he can be hardworking when he wants something or has a goal to achieve. He would also risk his life for his friends and family without a second thought.

Aura type: power
Aura Color: black
Semblance: electric manipulation is his semblance and he can summon lightning at will and it forms around his hand and he can do things such as fire the lightning at others from his hands or just punch them with the lightning. He can also pour the lightning into his swords to make them super charged electric swords which even if he slices at you gives of shocks and jolts of lightning.

Item 1: Duel Wielding swords. Chance coals swords look like this
Item 2: he has a dust infused jacket as magical armour thats what the jacket looks like.


rp sample:

2chace coal finished awaiting aproval Empty Re: chace coal finished awaiting aproval Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:59 pm

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
chace coal finished awaiting aproval Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

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