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Violet Cobaltienne

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1Violet Cobaltienne Empty Violet Cobaltienne Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:47 am

Violet Cobaltienne

Violet Cobaltienne
Enrollment Form

Violet Cobaltienne Yuzuki_Yukari_vocaloid_lapine_cape

Basic info

Violet Cobaltienne || 17 ||  Female
June 10 || Human
4’11” || 99lbs
Face Claim: Yuzuki Yukari

STR: 1
DEF: 3
RES: 3
SPT: 5
Aura 180 | 120 HP

Major: Dust
Likes: Socializing, sweets, cute things.
Dislikes: Bitter foods, bad and/or creepy people, formal settings.
Fears: Creepy crawlies, that which hides in the dark, loneliness.

Overall Personality:
Hyperactive would be the best word to describe this young lady. Her thoughts have a snowball effect, and being that the filter between her mind and mouth is practically nonexistent, she tends to ramble all those thoughts out loud. But don’t let her innocent, child-like demeanor fool you. While she seems scatterbrained and dense a majority of the time, Violet doesn’t miss a thing, and can be highly calculable. When she wants to be, that is. All that hyperactivity helps in multitasking both physically and mentally, and Violet can process many more complex tasks than the average being. One wouldn’t be able to guess as much with such an innocent smile always on her face.

Aura type: Recovery
Aura Color: Lavender
Semblance: Hyalokinesis - the ability to create and control all that is glass.
Items of Choice:
Kibō no Hansha || An earth type dust that Violet has personally seen to the modification of. (She just buys earth dust off the shelf and adds ‘special things’ in it to suit her needs. PATENT STILL PENDING!)
Usagifūdo || This rather casual piece of purple on black magical armor sports a rabbit-eared hood. The very fabric has fire dust woven into it.[/list]

History and Sample

RP Sample:

2Violet Cobaltienne Empty Re: Violet Cobaltienne Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:07 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart

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