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Charlotte Monochrome The Horrifying Healer (Finished)

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Charlotte Monochrome

Charlotte Monochrome
Enrollment Form

Charlotte Monochrome The Horrifying Healer (Finished) Arachn10

Name: Charlotte Monochrome
Birthday: October 31st
Gender: Female
Race: Faunus
Height: Human-like body; 70cm Total height varies dependent on how she is standing but usually comes to around 185cm and has a maximum of 210cm without her legs she is 90CM She is approximately 90 cm long from the nose of her less fuzzy body to the tip of her fuzzy one’s abdomen
Weight: She’d never tell (135kg)
Face Claim: Arachne (Dragon’s Crown)

Aura 190|110 HP

Group: Researcher
Likes: Reading, Learning, Woodwind music (Also the violin), Money, Her instruments (both torture and musical), Tricking people, Wine, Champagne, Teas, Coffees, Thread-work (sewing, dressmaking and knitting), The WhiteFang (finds them inspirational) and (most importantly) Fluffy things, Dancing, Hot (yet brief because of a fear) Baths/Showers, Cooking, Baking, Sweets and having her hair tied up.
Dislikes: Those who fear her, Running, Dancing, Cars, Comments referring to her large behind (abdomen), Doors (she struggles to get through them), Slimy things, Overly exposed legs, “Arrogant twits,” “Ignorant fools,” Inelegant people, legs, Mess, Beer, Those who are afraid to fight back, Babies (both the literal kind and the emotional kind) and Having her hair down.
Fears: Small spaces (claustrophobia), The sea, Having too many eyes upon her, Crushing someone, Dancing, Destruction of her fluffy teddies, The loss of her limbs (both the common ones and spider-like ones)
Overall Personality: Charlotte has a  honey sweet personality around the few who are willing to hang around her. Having had few friends she tends to keep the few she has both close and sheltered, showering them in gifts and sweet foods, not unlike a kind grandmother. One of her exceptionally grandmother like traits is the insistence that her friends cover up for fear they will die of cold. She is absolutely willing to listen to your grievances over tea or coffee, be it at a Faunus run café or her own home; built specifically with her faunus traits in mind.

Her voice exudes general positive vibes, she is almost always well spoken and clear; complementing her graceful movements. Sometimes, when someone is rude enough to comment on her abdomen and she’s feeling a might nice she can talk the person down to the point of begging for forgiveness. On occasions she accepts.

A good way to describe her day to day lifestyle, provided none have insulted her in a garish manner, would be bubbly. This Gal just can’t take a complement, her legs scrunch up and her face goes a deep red as she insists they must be mistaken or talking about someone else. There’s no way they could be talking about a hideous arachnid like her. Stop it, just stop it ya big lugs! Daaawwwwwwww.

Any comments about her “large behind” or her having “dat booty” (abdomen) will be responded to with a slap from all eight of her spider-like legs and both her humanoid arms regardless of whether she is in her honey like persona or not. There is a darker side to her, far darker in fact, but she tends to keep that under wraps unless the perfect scenarios come about. It rarely does but it is always… insightful for whoever she has aimed it toward.

Aura type: Healing
Aura Color: Ghostly White
Semblance: “Nurturing Web” The ability to create strings of sticky protein from her aura. Charlotte’s strings work in a variety of ways, all determined by quite how she forms them. By forming denser ones she can defend against attacks by forming barriers, by plastering high protein strings onto a wound she can heal either herself or others and, if required, she can plaster an opponent’s body with tangling web for a speed debuff. Her strings are primarily used for utility though, pulling things from the other side of rooms and opening far off doors, even potentially coating her eight feet in the substance so she can crawl up walls. She can detach the strings from her fingers by her own will.
Item 1 and 2: A small (oval shaped, 8cm long and 4 cm wide) jet black broach. Charlotte merely believes the broach to be a lucky charm, it being the only item she has had since she arrived at Bellemuse. In actuality it casts a thin gold hue around her entire body when an attack of any sort, save for aura based, would touch her. The hue only becomes visible when an attack of any kind would touch her body and is completely invisible to her/the-wearer even when such has happened, when a hit lands it appears almost as if her whole body is cloaked in golden spider webs. It lets out a low ticking akin to a clockwork watch and she has never dared to open it. (Magic and Physical Armour)

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
Charlotte Monochrome The Horrifying Healer (Finished) Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

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