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Scott Cashew

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1Scott Cashew Empty Scott Cashew Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:47 am

Scott Cashew

Scott Cashew
Enrollment Form

Scott Cashew MwsmcHF

Basic info
Name: Scott Glow Cashew
Age: 20
Birthday: May 6th
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165lb.
Face Claim: Serukai by Minties (Deviant Art original)

STR: 5 (6)
DEF: 4
RES: 1
SPT: 2
Aura 120|180 HP

Group: Warrior
Likes: Brawling, hot temperatures, eating, passionate people
Dislikes: Silence, reading, people who show a lack of caring for anything
Fears: Drowning, Goliaths, becoming useless
Overall Personality: Scott is a very excitable and happy man who has little trouble expressing himself and his opinion to other people. Seemingly born with the ability to accept life as it comes Scott takes everything in stride whether it be people or situations, always reacting with a cool head and the belief that everything happens for a reason so it is best not to dwell on problems. Because of this it is very hard to get a rise out of the man, his basic emotions seem to always be set on 'pleasantly happy'. This is not to say however that Scott does not feel other emotions, he simply has learned to hide them away from others, especially his anger which runs deep to his core.

Aura type: Power
Aura Color: Orange: Appears as wisps of steam from his skin
Semblance: Broil (Damage): Scott's Semblance is in actuality a very simple one, by focusing his aura Scott can drastically increase the amount of heat being generated by his body and objects he is touching. This increase in heat causes Scott's skin and his weapons to glow red or orange and deal increased damage to anything he touches, Scott is capable of getting so hot as to melt through steel with his bare hands after prolonged contact. Most weapons however are protected by their wielders Aura, preventing Scott from melting through them.
Item 1: Brand: A long sword made of dark steel, sharp and incredibly durable Brand is also capable of handling extreme temperatures better than most weapons.
Item 2: Leather Vest plate armor: Grants increased protection from physical attacks.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Scott Cashew on Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Scott Cashew Empty Re: Scott Cashew Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:15 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Alright ^^ Welcome to the site, This is a very good app but there are some minor things. The first is can I get a link to where the FC is from? Just so it's easy to add to the list, second isn't really a problem so much as just letting you know; you can't melt through people's weapons.

Bump when done ^^

3Scott Cashew Empty Re: Scott Cashew Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:17 pm

Scott Cashew

Scott Cashew
Bump. Added the link for the FC. Also I know I can not melt through other peoples weapons cause that would be godmoding. That info is a out of combat thing should it ever happen to come up.

4Scott Cashew Empty Re: Scott Cashew Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:28 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Alright then, Approved ^^

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