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Olivia Hood

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1Olivia Hood Empty Olivia Hood Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:13 am

Olivia Hood

Olivia Hood
Enrollment Form

Olivia Hood 4621b007efb7e5f65b3aea30a70c5d1a

Basic info
Name: Olivia Hood
Age: 18
Birthday: August 13
Gender: Female
Race: Horse faunus(strength, ears hidden under her hair and eyes that are slightly better at night and at spotting movement)
Height: 6'
Weight: 170 lbs
Face Claim: Michiko from Michiko to Hatchin

Aura 230|70 HP

Group: researcher
Likes: Swimming, Protecting, Meditating
Dislikes: close combat, Chaos , missing, bad weather
Fears: Death Stalkers, countersnipers, her bow being broken
Overall Personality: Olivia is eccentric and deceptively clever but usually seems rather shallow and vain. She places a lot of importance into appearance and style. She keeps herself meticulously clean, even during battle.  Her goal is to become a famous huntress that's known for her style and power. Thankfully, in pursuit of this goal, she's gained a deeply analytical mind and a huge drive. It's hard to see this though, as usually she will say all her victories and grace are from natural talent and that she almost never practices.

She doesn't have any aversion to lying, despite her wish to be a hero. She only cares about the aesthetics and results, not the way those results are achieved. To that effect she isn't below sneak attacks and, as an archer, prefers to strike her opponent down before they even know she's there. She isn't a stranger to close range combat though, and is still proficient in using her bow and arrows when enemies are close. Her muscular figure is surprisingly acrobatic. She also isn't shy about using her size to her advantage both socially and in a fight. She is quick to anger when disrespected, but not quick to being enraged or lose sight of her goals.

When shes in private a lot of this changes, she actually can be a bit of a slob and, on days she doesn't work out or practice, she can sleep in until after midday, not to mention she's an incredibly deep sleeper. Her school work almost always comes down to the last minute despite any plans she make make otherwise. When confronted with those who hate faunus, she can begin to act a bit erratically especially since she usually demands respect. While she usually won't start violence, if someone was really determined they could push her to a confrontation.

She also does have some sense of justice beyond wanting to hear crowds call her name. Despite having rich family she consistently and readily stands up for those less fortunate than herself and her relatives. Unfortunately voicing this opinion has never done much bet get her laughed at, so she doesn't verbalize this very often.

Aura type: Healing
Aura Color: Green

Density/Mass Manipulation: by imbuing something with her aura Olivia can temporarily manipulate their density and mass. This means she can make objects intangible and also reverse that and make them incredibly hard. She can even make the effects 'contagious' through contact by putting an excess of aura into her arrows.

Arrows that carry stat changes cost 10 aura(along with 10 per post). With these she can buff and debuff people and she can do she same through physical contact.

The bigger the object and more extreme the effect the more aura it takes. Other people take 10 aura per post to shift but she can't make others completely intangible. The effects she inflicts can be cancelled by those she effects with a surge of aura(20 points). For the same cost she can make herself intangible for a few moments but anything with and aura will still hit her.

Item 1: Vijaya: A recurve bow twice the size of most with arrows equally as large. It requires incredible strength to pull the string back to a useful distance but the result are arrows that pierce or give powerful impacts when blocked. Some arrows can have dust added to them to give explosive effects while others don't even have arrowheads. It's able to be used as a melee weapon, but is much better suited for use as a bow

Item 2:  Manica: an arm of armour that covers the shoulder, part of her chest, and her the underside of her wrist and forearm.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Ravivi on Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:34 pm; edited 7 times in total

2Olivia Hood Empty Re: Olivia Hood Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:19 pm

Sno Lagu

Sno Lagu
Hello! I am Sno Lagu and I will be grading your application!

Race- I understand that you are a Horse Faunus but what part of you is a horse? Do you have hooves? Horse Eyes? Horse Ears? (Example Blake is a Cat Faunus and has Cat Ears)

Semblance- The description that you have for it is a little confusing. Can you make it easier to understand like what exactly it does and what items you can change the density of please? Also please refer to the Semblance Rules when it comes to Aura costs for your semblance

I ask that you bump when done so I can look over it again.

3Olivia Hood Empty Re: Olivia Hood Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:23 pm

Olivia Hood

Olivia Hood
The faunus traits are listed after what species she is.
I changed the semblance up a bit, but I think the aura prices are right but I made it explicit.

4Olivia Hood Empty Re: Olivia Hood Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:45 am

Sno Lagu

Sno Lagu
Okay hello sorry it took so long. (I could've sworn I replied to this but I guess not my internet has been being a butt all weekend.) 

Okay so lets talk semblance some more. You mentioned something about changing the density of people.. By that do you mean buffing them or de-buffing them? Please specify on that and make sure it fits with the rules.

5Olivia Hood Empty Re: Olivia Hood Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:35 pm

Olivia Hood

Olivia Hood
Done, I believe, comparable to other semblance descriptions at least.

6Olivia Hood Empty Re: Olivia Hood Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:31 pm

Sno Lagu

Sno Lagu
Alright I think that is it I hope I didn't miss anything... Anyway
Olivia Hood Sno_Approved

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