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Sunil Hood (Fin)

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1Sunil Hood (Fin) Empty Sunil Hood (Fin) Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:24 pm


Enrollment Form

Sunil Hood (Fin) AUtNyjX

Basic info
Name: Sunil Hood
Age: 19
Birthday: July 2
Gender: Male
Race:  Human
Height: 5'10
Weight: 175
Face Claim: Gray Fullbuster/ Fairy tails

STR: 5
DEF: 3
RES: 2
SPT: 2
Aura 150|150 HP

Major: Tech Major, Engineer Study

  • New Tech/Tinkering
  • Training
  • Indoors
  • Breaking limits
  • Being manly


  • Nature
  • Sitting still
  • Wimps
  • Being told no


  • Leporiphobia: It unknown when this started, but Sunil always had a deep fear of rabbits. This can cause the young man to have a panic attack if around one. This count for both the small animal and Faunus. However, he less fearful with faunus cause of the human side of them.
  • Lost of a family: Sunil has a deep love for his family and misses them all the way back in Atlas. He fears his refuse to work for the Atlas military might have side effects for the family he left behind.
  • Damaging his arms: As hard as it is to do Sunil does worry about this from time to time. With his augmented arms being his sole means for fighting if they ever become to damage in battle he would become comply defenseless until he fit them. Being so far from Atlas he unsure just how he would replace them here.

Overall Personality: At first glance, Sunil is boisterous, hotheaded and arrogant and demands recognition and seems hungry for greatness. This put off many people the first time meeting him, believing the man if full of himself. Well, they would be right. However, after a few minutes, it would be clear to anyone Sunil is truly a friendly soul. He is the type of person can make friends with anyone around him, good or bad. Growing up where he did Sunil learned early on in life that the world wasn't black and while, but a clear gray. He sees the good and bad in everyone and he simply chooses to see the good in most. However, to those he deems unworthy of his friendship, as rare as this is, he tends to treat extremely coldly. However, Sunil is also extremely determined and never lets anything keep him down for long. He is also devoted to defending and supporting his friends and loved ones, fighting with all his strength to protect them.

Despite his often brazen and practically insane actions, Sunil is fairly insightful, as his bombast and seemingly blind confidence usually mask his true intelligence in planning and combat. He even personally admits that his bravado and fearlessness is mostly a device he uses to hide his own worries and to support others and that he thinks people who choose not to fight are the real heroes. He has stated that his drive in the war against the Grimm's was not started for personal glory or vengeance, but a desire to give future generations the world without fear. Despite his often moronic actions, he does have some level of common sense in the rare cases he choose to listen to his brain that is.

Like everyone else in his, family Sunil is a gear head and seem to have a hard time with authority figures. Like his mother and father Sunil has a gifted mind of an engineer. Like his parents, he wants to help the world by just building new and better weapons, but couldn't stand for all the restrictions Atlas place on all the resources and new studies they deem for Atlas eyes only. He believes that any discovery that could better mankind shouldn't be kelp quite about, but rather spread to other Kingdoms to make for a safer world.

Aura type: Defense
Aura Color: Purple
Semblance: Sticky Icky: Adhesion Semblance
Sunil semblance has the power to create the substance of either high or low levels of adhesion to cover an area or just himself. To either make his affected surface slick or sticky. This can cause the ground to become sticky as if walking in glue or slippery allowing Sunil to skate around while causing his enemies to lose their footing. Useful for tripping enemies or manuovering around the battlefield. Max effected range is a 10-meter circle around Sunil and cause 10 aura a turn to keep up.

Item 1:
Sunil uses his own augmented arms as his weapons of choice. Being augmented his arms are far stronger than his humans ever was allowing him, if it ever came to it, fight Grimms with his bare hands. However, his true weapons are the twin retractable blades hidden in his arms. Able to exit his arms from both this fist and elbow the blades can be used for close combat or surprise attacks. When not in combat Sunil arms hold many smaller tools within his hands which he used to do his repairs and work around the school and study. As far as others can tell when looking and feeling Sunil arms they look and feel the same as the real thing.

Item 2: T1 physical Armor: Sunil arms are made from a special organic material that despite it flexibility is far durable than it appear. It what give his arms to look and feel of real arms as well as strong enough need to block attacks.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Sunil on Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:00 am; edited 6 times in total

2Sunil Hood (Fin) Empty Re: Sunil Hood (Fin) Sat Jun 18, 2016 6:05 pm


Boops I'm done, I think :3

3Sunil Hood (Fin) Empty Re: Sunil Hood (Fin) Sun Jul 03, 2016 1:48 am


Give it another boop

4Sunil Hood (Fin) Empty Re: Sunil Hood (Fin) Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:23 am

Sammey White

Sammey White
Sunil Hood (Fin) Sammey11

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