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Lorenz Alfred Otonashi

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1Lorenz Alfred Otonashi Empty Lorenz Alfred Otonashi Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:08 am


Enrollment Form

Lorenz Alfred Otonashi Shinta12

Basic info
Name: Lorenz Alfred Otonashi
Age: 18
Birthday: Dec/12
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 163cm
Weight: 63kg
Face Claim: Shintaro (Kagerou Project)

Aura 200|100 HP

Group: Researchers

  • Food
  • Swords
  • Guns
  • Horses
  • Lurking (social media)
  • Action shows
  • Comedy shows
  • Games


  • Being the center of attention in public
  • Being alone for long periods of time without a social outlet
  • Being made fun of for lack of ability
  • Public speaking


  • Losing friends
  • Going insane
  • Being misunderstood
  • Staying alone

Overall Personality: Lorenz is an introvert who enjoys hanging out with the friends he makes. Lorenz likes to help people (or at least has the urge to) and doesn't like getting in anyone's way. Often thinking he is the cause of many problems, Lorenz gets depressed if failure was a result in anything he does, but playing a game or two calms Lorenzo down from any negative emotions. He sometimes doses off or blanks out and is grateful for those that help him catch up on what he has missed. Lorenz wants to find people with the same interests as him and dislikes overly cocky people.

Aura type: Recovery
Aura Color: Dark Purple
Semblance: Turning invisible (He can still make noise, leave tracks on various terrain, can be smelt, inflict and receive pain, etc.)
Item 1: Weapon: Revolver, a six-shooter revolver that is capable of using dust as ammunition. Normal bullets are .45 caliber.
Item 2: Dust: Fire (Tier 1)

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Ultimosan on Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:45 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : To fit the criteria of the app)

2Lorenz Alfred Otonashi Empty Re: Lorenz Alfred Otonashi Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:05 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Approved ^^

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