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Lucerne Grey

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1Lucerne Grey  Empty Lucerne Grey Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:40 pm

Lucerne Grey

Lucerne Grey
Enrollment Form

Lucerne Grey  C0df51cbd828c1d10baca481810bf02b

Basic info
Name: Lucerne Grey
Age: 18
Birthday: December 1st
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 97 lbs
Face Claim: Yin (Darker than Black)

Aura 150|150 HP

Group: Warriors

  • Ice Cream
  • Cool Weather
  • Old Fashioned Clothing
  • Antique Jewelry
  • Cats


  • Hot Weather
  • Spicy Foods
  • Loud, Obnoxious noises


  • Heights
  • Dogs, and other canines
  • Losing what she has

Overall Personality: Straightforward and blunt, Lucerne has never been afraid of speaking her mind. It is almost like she has no filter, just saying whichever things come to mind. Along with this Lucerne is constantly serious and rarely ever shows emotions besides that of her aloof self. Lucerne's usual expression is that of disinterest, she is almost never interested in anything. The few times Lucerne does show an interest, is when things she likes come into play. An expression of disinterest is quick to change to that of excitement when Lucerne is presented with anything antique or old fashioned. The same is true when Lucerne faces a dog; however, instead of excitement her expression is that of fear.

Aura type: Healing
Aura Color: Silver
Semblance: Ice, can control and create ice (using water vapor in the air)
Item 1: Weapon: Katana - a black bladed sword with a silver cloth wrapped handle, a purple tassel with a silver charm hangs off the handle as well. The sheath of the blade is silver.
Item 2: Dust: Tier One Water

History and Sample
RP Sample:

2Lucerne Grey  Empty Re: Lucerne Grey Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:05 pm

Lloyd Vanheim

Lloyd Vanheim
Alright, approved~

Welcome to Syne ^^

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