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Ackard Reese (finished)

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1Ackard Reese (finished) Empty Ackard Reese (finished) Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:07 am


Ackard Reese (finished) 500px-Aru_akise

Basic info
Name: Ackard Reese
Age: 19
Birthday:June, 10
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
Weight: 155 ibs.
Face Claim: Akise Aru (Mirai Nikki)

Aura 150|150 HP


Group: Gadgeteers

Likes: Fish, flowers, and silence

Dislikes: large crowds, overly arrogant people. and confrontation

Fears: Animals with stingers, attracting the attention of too many people at one time, and spiders

Overall Personality: Ackard's personality at best can be described as withdrawn and heavily focused. He tends to stick to stick to discovering different ideas about how to improve his Persephonee rifle rather than attend social gatherings like parties or dances. He's also willing to go to any extent to improve his capabilities on the battlfield to the point of mutilation if need be, or even pushing his own body to it's natural limits and beyond. However he isn't always antisocial, he is willing to engage in conversation for a bit or joke around on ocassion, however most of the time he simply prefers to stay silent and focus on the task at hand.


Aura type: Healing

Aura Color: Light Blue

Semblance: Ackard's semblamce gives his eyes a major boost, allowing him to see great distances to great detail

Item 1: Weapon: Sniper Rifle (Persephonee) A sniper rifle that Ackard built himself, being at about average in size, the Persephonee rifle may seem ordinary, but has great potential when it comes to customization.

Item 2: Armor: Light battle armor (Zephyr) The Zephyr armor is a battle suit that acts more like a second skin than actual armor. While it may be paper thin and bolsters dust resistance, the Zephyr is tasked with keeping Ackard's heart rate stable during combat and other stressful situation while giving him the manueverability that he desires should he need to escape a close quarters encounter. By appearance it is a dark blue suit complete with black gloves that Ackard wears under his clothing through most of the day.

History and Sample

RP Sample:

2Ackard Reese (finished) Empty Re: Ackard Reese (finished) Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:31 am

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Approved ^^

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