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An Automated Introduction (Talos/Flash, Invite only)

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Talos Verdigris

Talos Verdigris
A simple yet effective yawn echoed out of the empty airship. He was finally there, after taking the wrong boat, losing most of his luggage, tools, and dust on the second, before finally taking the airship here; to a school on top of a mountain. Talos was finally at Syne, though he arrived much later than he had originally planned to, it was near four in the afternoon by the time he was given the chance to drag his things off of the big ugly metal bird. The short tan android dragged himself and his duffle bag out of the ship and into the sun.

It was a disappointing week to say the very least... At least it was nice outside? The warm air and light breeze was nice and relaxing,  the view from the landing platform was great! Though, the sight made him feel just a little bit tired... Okay not a little, very very tired. Talos didn't have much of a reason to just head back down into town right after he got to the school to just go check around every dust and department store for the right parts... At least, not without any cash on hand. His springy metal antennae, or his "rabbit ears" lowered as he lazily dragged along his duffle bag on the clean, flat, white stone floor.

He followed the main path to the school's entrance, which was relatively busy at this time of day. Class had probably just let out and some students were rushing down to town with their friends. He got some ugly stares, many due to his unusual mechanical features, which was all too common for him at this point. One of his hands was basically just an armored fist with dim purple lights after all. Though, every so often there was someone that passed him just to point out the metal nodes on his cheeks and his unusual 'ears'.

Flash Driver

Flash Driver
Classes had ended and freedom reigned, the last class of the semester and they were onto the summer break! And it was time for a certain droid to break free and break loose! What would he do this year? He wasn't quite sure. Perhaps finally work on blaying the guitar again, he had fixed up an old electric one some time ago but was yet to find a working amplifier. Yeah that sounded like a good idea. Something of that nature would be great! And he could help out some humans, maybe join a band... it wasn't like learning the instrument would take that long with the way his mind processed data. Never forgetting and always compiling without fault, he could have 100 songs memorised in no time at all! Maybe there would be a summer school though, with additional classes... he figured he should probably sit some of them.

Regardless of what he planned Flash Driver was in a good mood! Long bouncy strides took the 2 meter, 150kg mass of metal along his path as he tried to make his way without bashing into or crushing any of the fleshy-ones around and bellow him. He knew he had to be gentle being so big and iron. While simply walking along his path however something ahead caught his eyes, a good few meters ahead was a particularly interesting person. Clearly shorter than him but their skin, just from here looked significantly different in... style was maybe the best wording? There were a lot of additional lines marking his arms and hands. Almost like really strong tattoos? While people around here had a rainbow of eyecolours Flash could detect something different in this persons, "Eye can certainly see... something" he thought to himself. Not to mention those things sitting atop where human ears should be. But were they full metal or... maybe a cyborg? He had met a few. This was certainly the most robot looking robot he had seen this side of a mirror.

Reaching him he stopped an extended an hand to shake, "O.O Yo I'm not trying to be rude or anything but are you an android to? Either way You look pretty rad O.O" His face read, no audible voice or sound of any sort emitting from him.

Talos Verdigris

Talos Verdigris
While the short android quite happily lost himself with thoughts of how he was going to set up things in his dorm when the time came, with the choices of decorations or whether or not he was going to employ the use of a bed to sleep or hang himself on chains and wires like he did at home. As well as with whether or not he should worry about roommates or forming team just as summer break was starting, or just enjoy what time he had to himself and rest. He could worry about that later though... He occasionally looked around at the other students that passed him by, taking in their choices in attire and physical features. He would be roused from his blissful ignorance at the sight of an… Aqua green robot?

It blocked his path and after a few seconds idle it extended its hand without saying a thing. Quiet greeter or...? Talos reached out and shook the robot’s hand just before taking a good look at the monitor that made up it’s head. There was text!

After just a second it clicked in his head, he must not have a voice module installed. ‘don’t stand there like an iron lemon, respond to his words you dimwit!’ A text to speech voice boomed in the short automaton’s head. Talos looked the television-headed machine up and down before directing his attention to the android’s ‘face’, as it were. Squinting to read the text and emoticons that were suddenly displayed on the screen. "Uh, yeah! I am!" His voice was… Off, to say the very least, like the robot equivalent of auto-tune was at work trying to make him sound human. The two antennae sticking out of the sides of his head shot up on end, as the violet-eyed automaton finally spoke. "My name is Talos. Nice to meet’cha!"

Talos shook the other android’s hand. There were plenty of indentations on his hands, especially the blockier one on the left, as for his eyes there were faint lines going horizontally and vertically through the whites of his eyes. “You look sturdy!”

Flash Driver

Flash Driver
"Oh good, I was a little afraid you might have been some kind of faunus I didn't know about or just had metal parts like some of the fleshy ones; didn't want to assume! I'm Flash Driver, it's nice to meet you! It's rarer I meet another metal one, especially one who is more clearly metal!" Flash shook the hand a little daintily, more like he'd shake one of the human's hands for risk of hurting them had driven his non-combatative grasp rather light perhaps when compared to that the fellow droid was expecting. "Oh yes, I am quite sturdy ^^ One hundred and fifty kilograms of metal, give or take, spread over two meters. Everything is hard, even the glass."

It was at this point that Flash, in an attempt to quickly return the compliment had his eyes drawn to the machine before him... specifically one aspect before him that the larger droid lacked. No it wasn't eyes nor a nose, not even a mouth... it was once again hair that had caught Flash's attention. Sno had hair, Melany had hair... even this Talos had hair and he looked metal. Was he really the odd one out? Was baldness in robots really that rare? Was he the odd one out rather than what was to be expected.

"Nice hair o.o That's another machine with hair, is being bald really so rare around here?" The larger droid then seemed to shake his head, as if words had come out that he hadn't particularly intended to, when he stopped his screen was blank once more. "You have nice hair and those are certainly some interesting eyes ^w^ Are you new to the island? I don't have any registered memory of encountering you before, even in passing. Mechanical memory helps me remember the faces of everyone I've passed! Though I could just have been head first in a comic when you first walked by..."

Talos Verdigris

Talos Verdigris
There must not have been many androids in the school then. That didn't come off as a big surprise,  though, not a whole lot of people had the skills or technology necessary to properly program one, or the raw organic materials to make one the safe way through a scan that would likely destroy a human brain. It was nice to know that there were at least some here! Not the Dumb A.I kind with limited function either. Talos looked Flash over once again, this time cataloging his design and paint job, "I can tell. Your shell's reinforced." He'd move on from the topic and fiddle with the black strap holding his duffle bag up, tightening it.

"Thanks? I guess my hair's nice? It's a bit of a hassle, the stuff grows too fast and gets in the way when i'm trying to work. My eyes swap colors depending on my mood and my H.U.D. Purple's for mellow or relaxed, kind of the default mode." The short android tucked some of his hair back into the half-beanie he wore.

"Actually yeah, just hopped off of the afternoon Airship. Like five or six minutes ago. I just got here. Would've gotten here earlier in the year but there were some complications with the installation of my H.U.D and voice module." He sounded like he was still being finished before being sent off here. Talos had only just arrived as summer break was starting for the students. Good timing... At least he didn't have to go worry about serious classes or assembling a team just yet! He could get settled in then.

Flash Driver

Flash Driver
"O.o It grows? Do you like... have required consumption amounts then rather than a simple burning fuel or battery charge design? I only really eat for fun, I can't taste ^^ Grill makes some foods a little bit tough though... does that mean you have biological processes as well or is it just like... you put a mass of condensed hair in and it forces its way through your scalp over time?" Flash was now utterly perplexed with Talos design, he clearly had metal parts... was lit more like a shell? Did he think that Flash had some kind of flesh body beneath all this?

"Oh geez o.o Was it particularly complex or just expensive to deal with? Your voice does sound interesting, certainly lightly mechanical but a wide degree above the simple basic machine speaking. If you need anything else done, seeing as we've got a couple months, I'd be glad to help ^^ I've used myself for testing and practice for a long time, I'm much better with androids than most are. Especially when it comes to replacement parts, through the augmentation of my design I can just about take in any substitute parts from any machine ^^ Broken down cars are a wonderland... though if you have a more complex design finding fits might be a touch more difficult o.o I was built to be mass produced and easily fixed... I take it you're not quite the same? Having hair and eyes and all, more aesthetic pieces!"

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