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Aazeen Nejem "Complete"

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1Aazeen Nejem "Complete" Empty Aazeen Nejem "Complete" Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:20 am

Aazeen Nejem

Aazeen Nejem
Enrollment Form

Aazeen Nejem "Complete" G1kC9ga

Basic info
Name: Aazeen Nejem
Age: 18
Birthday: March, 15th
Gender: Female
Race: Faunus
Height: 65 in. [5'5"]
Weight: 56.7 kg. [125 Ib.] (+15.8 kg. [35 Ib.] for metal prostetics)
Face Claim: Paninya: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

STR: 5
DEF: 3
RES: 2
SPT: 2
Aura 100|200 HP

Major: Tech

  • Machines: Aazeen by heart is a mechanic, she loved machines and adores exploring how they operate, even if that means she has to take them apart and discover the guts and internals of said machine, this also involved Androids, which she has worked on first hand.
  • Other people: Aazeen is what many would call, a Social Butterfly, she loves to interact with people and talk to them, learn from them and just be herself, Aazeen is also very good with talking to people, being how she had to help people who had mechanical limbs.
  • Exercise: Despite her condition, many would think that she would not get her metal limbs damaged, but on the contraire, Aazeen loves to exercise, she loves to run, kick box and test her body to the limit of what it is capable of, this means she can test her mechanical limbs and find their limits as well.


  • Water: The one thing Aazeen can't stand is water near her limbs, she herself doesn't mind it but it getting on her Carbon Fiber legs and arm, it can cause some trouble for her as she fears the water will rust the metal and make her life a living hell in the terms of repairing her mechanical limbs.
  • Magnets: When it comes to anything messing with her limbs, magnets are one of them, magnets cause problems with the motors inside her limbs and this in itself can cause a catastrophic error in the prosthesis, usually she has a lead barrier around them to stop magnetic waves from interfering with her gear.  
  • Anything/anyone messing with her prosthesis: The one thing that Aazeen hates is anything that would negatively affect or damage her mechanical prosthetics, the reason is, the amount of time and resources to make them and her love of them and requirement for every day situations, Aazeen isn't one to like them being damaged.


  • Faunus Haters: Aazeen during her childhood was attacked by a group of Faunus Haters, she suffered because of their dislike and segregation to her race, so as a result she fears them and completely will not go or be associated with anyone who hates them, or gives them a bad name, like the White Fangs.
  • Being Useless: Aazeen see's herself as a person who can do tons of things to help others, from fixing machines to making machines to assist with many tasks, seeing herself as useless makes her less than fit to be around others, if she feels like she is a burden on others, she will more or less become docile and less happy.
  • Crowds: During her traumatic event when she was a child, she can't stand being around large groups of people, she hates it and gets very uneasy or rather she begins to shake, a dozen people is as far as she will go to being near others, but if she is able to be alone while near that number or more, she will be fine.

Talent: Engineering
Weakness Stealth
Overall Personality: A bright and happy-go-lucky type of girl, Aazeen may not express it like a bubbly child would, but she tends to always have a smile when she is in a good mood, Aazeen has a rather bright perspective of life, not letting a day get her down for if that happens she can't get things done or think straight. Aazeen isn't the kind of person to shirk her duties and tasks, often noted to being a diligent person and one who always gets the job done without causing harm in any manner, to herself or others, Aazeen has also been noted to be calm. She tends to keep a level head in a stressful situation, despite not acting like a cucumber while she thinks about things, as another thing she is known for, over thinking things, she can at times overthink to the point of indecisiveness. Though despite this more or less flaw in her thinking at times, she is able to conclude small thoughts with little difficulty for this only occurs when she finds something interesting, along with her rather obscene thought process she has a unusual sense of humor. An excellent example can be if someone asks "Can I get a hand here?", she will detach her mechanical right arm and toss it to them, or if she is told to "Break a leg", she often will ask which one before detaching that if they answer her back that is.

Aura type: Speed
Aura Color: Blue
Semblance: Legs [Damage, Buff (Brawn & Speed), Utility]: A simple but effective power that Aazeen has, she concluded that her Semblance would have worked for her organic legs before her accident, but either way she can still use her Semblance with her mechanical legs, what Aazeen is able to do is simple, she can use her lower appendages to increase the potential of exertion of force in them, meaning she can leap farther [40+ feet], jump higher [60+ feet], kick harder and is able to run faster [60+ mph]. How she does this is through the artificial fibers that connect to her organic muscle tissue, even though she understands that this shouldn't work for her mechanical limbs, she somehow was able to adapt and adjust to the handicap that her Semblance had either that, or it evolved to adapt to her false limbs, of course, she still has to use up Aura to use her power, despite her legs running on electrical impulses in her body.
Side Note: When Aazeen uses her Semblance "Buff" to increase her "Brawn" stat, this only works if she uses her leading attack with her legs, which is also her main source of damage, which also includes her "Damage" effect, same applies to her "Speed" effect. The base numbers of her jumping distance is 40 feet but can be increased by 10 feet per 10 points of Aura used, same applies to her jumping height which is at base. 60 feet, and running speed which at base speed is 60 miles per hour.

Item 1:
Automaton Legs: An automotive armored prostheses, something that Aazeen had integrated into her body when she suffered to an assault when a young girl, the devices work by taking electrical pulses from the nerves to power and regulate the various electric motors and pneumatic actuators inside them. Her legs are comprised of a Carbon Fiber frame and Carbon Fiber skeleton with a rust resistant plating, making them not only light, strong, and resistant to corrosives though the amount her legs have is hefty, it is still lighter than sixty to seventy pounds of aluminum alloy. Her legs are fully optimal for everyday activities, but also for combat as well, for when not active, the region along her shins are closed by a single internal plate but upon activating with tapping her foot on the ground, two blades pro-tract along her shin. These blades are also made of a high-quality metal called M390, this metal is considered a super steel in her hometown of Vacuo, and her legs are the only pieces with it back home.

Item 2:
Kevlar Bracer: A simple bracer that Aazeen wears on her arm, this bracer covers her entire left arm and also her right arm as she has two to them, one for each arm, these braces are comprised of Kevlar, a material that has a high ultimate Tensile Strength, while not the prettiest to have on her arms. She does, however, have them covered in a highly resistant leather that reduces impact from bullets and blades due to how thick the material is, this leather is a synthetic polymer that actually mimics the properties of leather, so not a true piece of leather, it is a very good mimic, while lightweight, it does bolster decent defense as well.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Maximillion Redcliff on Wed May 24, 2017 2:02 am; edited 1 time in total

2Aazeen Nejem "Complete" Empty Re: Aazeen Nejem "Complete" Wed May 24, 2017 1:58 am

Sammey White

Sammey White
Aazeen Nejem "Complete" Sammey15

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