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Sinan Durian[Civilian Finished]

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1Sinan Durian[Civilian Finished] Empty Sinan Durian[Civilian Finished] Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:55 pm


Enrollment Form

Sinan Durian[Civilian Finished] Ookurikara.240.2014314

Basic info
Name: Sinan Durian
Age: 28
Birthday: July 20th
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 130
Face Claim: Ookurikara from Touken Ranbu

STR: 5
DEF: 1
RES: 1
SPT: 5
Aura 150|150 HP

Major: Citizen
Likes: People: He’s a people person; he considers other people a sacred thing.
Cooking, Watching and Doing: He loves watching others cooking, as it reminds him of ways to cook the things he does, and cooking in general is just fun.
Dancing: While not the greatest, he takes great delightment in dancing about.
Dislikes: Ruffians: They trash where they are, and they’re trash themselves.
Cigarettes and their ash: It’s dirty, musty and makes people cough.
His father: While he doesn’t know his father, he doesn’t particularly like the idea of knowing him.
Fears: He’s afraid of the dark, snakes and Octopi.
Talent: Cooking Fish
Weakness Investigation
Overall Personality: Sinan is, in a few words, a gentleman. He doesn't like pushing people, nor does he like being rude, mean or crude. He always lets the other have the first bite of food, and hold the doors open for people, and closes them behind them. He's the last to sleep and the first to wake. He'd rather you have the easy life. He can take on the responsibility if you could require it. He never thinks of himself first, only thinking about others.

The real reason he’s like this lies in his history, but It should be explained here. When he was young, he was an only child. His mother was a solo mother. His father had run off, and to this day, he still doesn't know who that man was. He's stopped actively searching, as it's pointless.

He believes everyone has second chances, and that if taken, can lead to a man or woman becoming farm better in their own right. If they become better this way, it doesn't erase old sins, but helps one not repeat them in the future. He has taken his second chance. That's how he became how he was, anyhow. With a bit of luck, some care, and a lot of effort, he became who he was. He's decided to not be the type of man his father was, just abandoning a pregnant person.

Aura type: Power
Aura Color: Grey
Semblance: A Dragon’s Strength: The user's muscles grow in mass, allowing them to take on additional weight and hit even harder. It’s signified by a grey glow around his entire body. (Strength Buff)
Item 1: He wields a katana that’s average in every possible way.
Item 2: He wields Fire Dust.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

2Sinan Durian[Civilian Finished] Empty Re: Sinan Durian[Civilian Finished] Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:09 pm

Leena Lilac

Leena Lilac
Hi, I'm Leena and I'll be your Mod today~


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