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Xue'Shui Eversnow

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1Xue'Shui Eversnow Empty Xue'Shui Eversnow Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:59 pm


Enrollment Form
Xue'Shui Eversnow Latest?cb=20150615045656

Basic info
Name: Xue'Shui
Age: 22
Birthday: 12.12
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus (Grey Crowned Crane) A small distinctive crown of stiff golden feathers.
Height: 2.10 Meters
Weight: 101 kg
Face Claim:  Tsurumaru Kuninaga - Touken Ranbu

STR: 5 + 1 (6)
DEF: 1
RES: 1
SPT: 5
Aura 170|130 HP

Major: Combat Major
Likes: Peace, Conversations, Company and Training.
Dislikes: Conflicts, Bullies, Grimm, Killing.
Fears: Death, Grimm and Isolation.
Talent: Fighting.
Weakness Vehicle Mastery
Overall Personality:

Xue'shui is a conflicted person over many things, while he enjoys training and honing his skills both with his blade and without, there is always a feeling of disgust over him self whenever he draws his blade against another. Xue'shui loves the concept of peace and values maintaining it among his highest personal duties. While he enjoys peace Xue'shui is not a fool and knows that even peace must give way for war and suffering at certain points, even though he hates this deep down he always knows peace won't last.

He is a highly sociable person and loves the company of others, he has no problem striking up a conversation without even knowing who at the current moment he is talking to. Being rather joyful and carefree about such things one can always find him seeking out others and seems to almost never be alone.

Even tho he despises drawing his blade against another Xue'shui knows the value of training and that it can be used for more then just with his skill concerning harming others. While he enjoys training and hates fighting Xue'shui has no problem harming and killing grimm as he sees them as the main obstacle  for peace and as something incomplete, something so hollow that it would be a mercy to kill it.

Something he has never really come to terms with is his shyness when it comes to conflict and not in the same way he hates fighting. No this is the verbal conflicts or arguments and how incredibly horrid he is at the whole thing. While he loves to talk and be around others he almost always goes quiet when involved in an argument or conflict that has to be taken verbally. While he just stands there silently and prefers to not say much considering how horrid he is at it Xue'shui will if pushed to far yell at the person before leaving the area and finding a place to hide and try and make him self small so that he won't be found.

Aura type:Power: The Power Aura makes characters naturally stronger than others. Increase STR by one even if it would make the stat higher than 5.
Aura Color: Going from white to blue.
Xue'shui's Húdié: A singular butterfly forms on the tip of Xue'shui's blade and flaps it's blue and white wings, as the butterfly flaps the area underneath the blade experiences powerful winds before the wind seems to flow around his sword. The sword is the twirled around his palm and grabbed so that the guard is by his pinkie finger and the blade's edge faces outwards from him, he then lowers his stance to a crouch and swings his arm to his side so that the blade points backwards.

A few moments later the butterfly takes off and with blinding speed Xue'shui dashes towards his target before slicing at it and aiming for the most vital organs he can attack on the side he is cutting. In effect he uses the wind generated from the butterfly to dash at his intended target and to wing his sword in a fast motion in hopes of making his target unable to dodge or block and then going for a vital region where he will do the most damage.

(This semblance essentially allows him to use winds for thrust in order to do one powerful semblance damage attack with his blade)

Item 1: Qīnshu Húdié: Xue'shui's Odachi. The sword is 1.67 meters (66 Inches) in length with the blade being 1.19 meters long (47 Inches).

Item 2:
Xue'shui's clothing: The clothing he is seen wearing is made from different types of fabric to provide mobility but also protection against physical harm to some degree. Physical Armor.

History and Sample

RP Sample:

Last edited by Xue'shui on Fri Apr 14, 2017 9:18 am; edited 3 times in total

2Xue'Shui Eversnow Empty Re: Xue'Shui Eversnow Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:30 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Alright welcome to the site, sorry this took a bit ^^ There are two problems in your app keeping me from approving it, the first is your semblance... it sound cool but I'm not quite sure what the semblance actually does? Is it like a sudden burst of speed from the wind, the momentum of which can be coupled with a sword blow? Regardless the max range on semblances is ten meters so that would need edited.

3Xue'Shui Eversnow Empty Re: Xue'Shui Eversnow Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:07 pm


Sorry for the long wait, yes the semblance is basically a dash using the air generated to propel himself forward and then using it to augment the speed and power of his swing. Also done some major edits to his story and other parts of the Character and made the range 10 meters.

4Xue'Shui Eversnow Empty Re: Xue'Shui Eversnow Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:12 am

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart

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