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Charon - Neal Crane (Done)

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1Charon - Neal Crane (Done) Empty Charon - Neal Crane (Done) Sun Nov 27, 2016 4:55 am


Enrollment Form

Charon - Neal Crane (Done) Art_decus

Basic info
Name: Charon (Real Name: Neal Crane)
Age: 20
Birthday: April 4th
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'10
Weight: 200 pounds
Face Claim: Decus from Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Aura 100|200 HP

Major: Combat Major

  • Winning fights
    Quiet walks that allow him to think
    Western Movies


  • People who think they know everything
    When people try to "understand" him
    Romantic Comedies


  • Burning to Death
    Accomplishing nothing in his life
    Never learning what he's capable of

Overall Personality: Charon was raised in non-ideal circumstances. Because of this he has a hard time trusting anyone, having only ever relied on himself and a team of thieves in order to survive. Even then, he always knew that they stole and fought together because they were stronger as a group, not because there was any real connection of a team. Charon's upbringing has made him bitter, part of the reason he refuses to use his birth name, as he sees it as something to throw away, much like he was. Charon has a need to prove that he's more than trash and isn't worthless, and will often overexert himself in any task that he's assigned. Charon doesn't know what it will take to make him feel important, but he approaches every task with the hope of finding that purpose.

Skillful at: Theater/Lying
Lacking skills in: Computer Wizard

Aura type: Defense
Aura Color: Grey
Semblance: After landing a blow with his weapon, Charon is able to make his opponent's armor physically weaker by applying rust to the makeup of the armor, and thus lower their defensive stats against any further blows. This semblance follows the "Debuff" rules of either affecting a single opponent, or multiple.
Item 1: A pair of shackles that bind to Charon's wrists. Each one contains five feet of chains attached to them that Charon can lash out in a fashion similar to a whip. When moving around or in class, Charon usually has the chains wrapped around his arms and under his sleeves to keep them out of sight. [Tier 1 Weapon]
Item 2: A black breastplate worn underneath Charon's jacket and shirt. [Tier 1 armor]

History and Sample
RP Sample:

2Charon - Neal Crane (Done) Empty Re: Charon - Neal Crane (Done) Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:43 pm

Sammey White

Sammey White
Hi i looked over it and everything looks good

Charon - Neal Crane (Done) Sammey15

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