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Varian Wright, vagrant Huntsman [DONE]

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1Varian Wright, vagrant Huntsman [DONE] Empty Varian Wright, vagrant Huntsman [DONE] Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:43 pm

Medea Takamura

Medea Takamura
Enrollment Form

Varian Wright, vagrant Huntsman [DONE] 640px-Klein-RL

Basic info
Name: Varian Wright
Age: 21
Birthday: December 18th
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 156lbs
Face Claim: Tsuboi Ryoutarou (Klein) from Sword Art Online

STR: 3
DEF: 4
RES: 2
SPT: 3
HP 200|100 SP

Major: Citizen
Likes: Lazying around, recreative drinking and alcohol in general (in moderation of course), music of all kinds, making others happy, getting the job done
Dislikes: Lying, boasting, brash decisions from him and others, doing nothing in the face of adversity, his current illness, flying in general
Fears: Having someone's death on the conscience, planes or any kind of flying machine, going to jail
Overall Personality: Varian isn't the cleanest guy morally as he often stole from others, lied and other shady things in the past. Although, never did he do those things for himself or to hurt others. Everytime he did something questionable he always had a good and selfless reason, like helping a starving family he met on his travel, save someone from a Grimm by breaking into a house for a weapon and other actions that would be frowned upon. Never asking for anything in return, he simply and "secretly took" what he would need from others when he'd judge they wouldn't need it as much as he would, like his current sword. Living his life like a vagrant, he learned to appreciate life and what it was throwing at him, for the most part. Living with an illness is never easy but he goes through like it wasn't that much and moves forward in life. Although he is a good guy on the inside, he may be rude to some people if they tell him what's best for him.

Aura type: Speed
Aura Color: Redish Orange
Semblance: Sleep Dart; Damage Semblance; Varian's Semblance is very simple, it lets him create a small throwable object that has a chance to put his target to sleep.
Item 1: Weapon; Zin's Blade: This sword, which Varian "aquired" long ago is a powerful weapon yet simple. Its main component being hardened carbonized steel, it is a very durable and reliable sword.
Item 2: Physical Armor; Varian wears a bracer on his left forearm that he uses to block or deflect attacks. It's more like an alongated buckler to be honest.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Sno Lagu

Sno Lagu
Varian Wright, vagrant Huntsman [DONE] Sno_Approved

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