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Aalis Nutmegg [done!]

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1Aalis Nutmegg [done!] Empty Aalis Nutmegg [done!] Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:47 pm

Aalis Nutmegg

Aalis Nutmegg
Enrollment Form

Aalis Nutmegg [done!] Img_1510

Basic info
Name: Aalis Nutmegg
Age: 23
Birthday: November 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 4' 7"
Weight: 100 lbs
Face Claim: Edna, Tales of Zestiria  (recolor)

Aura 150|150 HP

Major: Citizen
Likes: Conversation, New Experiences, Stories, Herself
Dislikes: Cats, Atlas, Writer's block, Herself
Fears: Enclosed Spaces, Lack of Mobility, Herself
Overall Personality: Aalis' personality is a difficult one to describe. Those looking from the outside may choose to call it insane. No no, not the psychotic, violent type of insane, as the world needs no more of those, but the insanity of a cloud cuckoo lander. A mild insanity that generally still drives people away. In reality, Aalis herself has no personality, as it was stolen by itself. Developed until it became sentient enough to trap the girl within her own mind so that she was nothing but a puppet to herself. Her captor split into three known distinct personalities, different enough to be their own people. Aalis is quite stoic, speaking in monotone and is generally looked up to as the neutral judge. Aalis on the other hand, is more like a child, as optimistic as they come with an excitable temperament. All the while, Aalis tends to look down upon others, living life with a massive superiority complex that tells her the she, and only she, could ever be right. While Aalis gets along well with Aalis, Aalis sometimes has to work hard to be able to keep up with Aalis. And if Aalis is Aalis is Aalis, then what does that make Aalis?

Aura type: Healing
Aura Color: Cyan
Semblance: Though Aalis may seem short normally, she has the ability to double her size, growing to be up to 9' 4". Of course, she is also able to go the other way, shrinking down to her size in Inches, still visible but hard to catch.  Growing big gives her a Strength buff,  while shrinking provides more of a utility use.

Item 1: A dagger. Nothing Special here.

Item 2: N/A

History and Sample
RP Sample:

2Aalis Nutmegg [done!] Empty Re: Aalis Nutmegg [done!] Sun Oct 30, 2016 5:02 am

Aalis Nutmegg

Aalis Nutmegg
Okay, I do believe I have finished

3Aalis Nutmegg [done!] Empty Re: Aalis Nutmegg [done!] Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:23 am


That backstory 0.0... lol.


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