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Ralf Ebon (Ready for review)

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1Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Empty Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:31 pm

Ralf Ebon

Ralf Ebon
Enrollment Form

Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Ralfxi

Basic info
Name: Ralf Ebon
Age: 19
Birthday: 01.01
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus (Dog, eyes)
Height: 197 cm
Weight: 97 kg
Face Claim: Ralf Jones (King of Fighters)

STR: 5+1 (6)
DEF: 4
RES: 2
SPT: 1
Aura 100|200 HP

Major: Combat Major.
Likes: Fighting, eating, reading.
Dislikes: Solitude, bullies, bugs.
Fears: Failure, abandonment, being useless.
Overall Personality: Ralf is an outgoing individual that loves being around people in general and even more so those he calls friends. Enjoying a fight would be an understatement when talking about him, due to his fear of failure he is always seeking fights not only for their enjoyment factor but also to push him self to become stronger so that when the time comes he won't fail.

Eating is also something one might find Ralf constantly doing, due to his highly active schedule he is always seen with some kind of food or drink item close by and has tendencies to even eat or drink while fighting.

One thing that Ralf will never forgive is the act of pushing around some one weaker then your self, if he witness this act there will be no quarter given and he might just as easily do physical harm to the one committing this crime.

Due to circumstances during his childhood Ralf fears and loathes the thought of being left behind or abandoned ever again. If this where to happen he might simply just freeze in shock and might even faint due to the trauma inflicted upon him.

Aura type: Power.
Aura Color: Dark Red.
Semblance: Buff: Ralf can use his semblance to strengthen himself or his allies. By infusing his Semblance into himself or others he focuses it into their muscle and nerve system increasing the stress/damage they can take and their strength output.

Item 1: Weapon: Titan Strikers. A pair of reinforced fighting gloves ( Link ). The gloves are reinforced with a metal plating inside the padding of the glove it self giving them more strength behind their attacks and allowing them to guard most physical attacks.

Item 2:Armor: Reinforced clothing. The clothing are reinforced with a mix of a Kevlar lining and some more metal sheeting, thus reinforcing their physical defense while keeping the limiting of movement low. The protection is for the Combat pants and the padded vest.

History and Sample

RP Sample:

Last edited by Ralf Ebon on Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:57 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Empty Re: Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:42 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Alright ^^ this is a good app but there are some minor fixes that need done. First is I need some description on how the buffing is done, something akin to "He can turn his aura to a hard coating and transfer it to others" or whatever way you envisioned the semblance working. Second is I need specification on if the gloves are weapons or armour, and of that armour (alike item 2) what type of armour they are. Physical or magic resistant. As for the reinforced clothing I need to know what that consists of and thus covers ^^ bump when done.

3Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Empty Re: Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:50 pm

Ralf Ebon

Ralf Ebon
Boop! BUmp! Badaowsky!

4Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Empty Re: Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:53 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Only problem still there is what does the protective clothing cover. Is it like a shirt or trousers or both or?

5Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Empty Re: Ralf Ebon (Ready for review) Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:00 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Approved ^^

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