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Alric Lancelot

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1Alric Lancelot Empty Alric Lancelot Fri Apr 29, 2016 5:50 pm

Alric Lancelot

Alric Lancelot
Enrollment Form

Alric Lancelot BXaPnDZ

Basic info
Name: Alric Diamond Lancelot
Nickname: White Knight
Age: 19
Birthday: Jan. 1st
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 173 cm (5' 8")
Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs)
Face Claim: Eishi Tsukasa; Shokugeki no Soma

Aura 100|200 HP

Major: Combat
Likes: Chess, Music, Reading.
Dislikes: Grimm, Loud People, Bitter food.
Fears: Isolation, Death, Disappointing Others.
Overall Personality: Patient and insightful, Alric showed noticeable maturity at a young age and knowledge on how to deal with every situation. He would learn from others how to differentiate situations, showing a willingness to learn from his peers. He lived at a distance, observing individuals and ideas without getting directly involved so that he could fully understand them. Although this approach prevented him from becoming close with many people, it enabled him to think and act without prejudice or preconceptions, instead evaluating things strictly on their own merits. Despite his passive nature, Alric shows genuine concern for others, unintentionally this garnered him many friends and admirers. He set his abilities and skills to helping others and bringing the best out of their abilities. For this reason, he never became arrogant about his own abilities or accomplishments; to which, most views or statements he made were usually well-based, seeing the situation for what it was. From this he had no self-righteous loyalty to any particular nation, faction or even his family. Alric can also be found to be a bit of a hedonist and even quite selfish. He is not particularly nasty about anything, but if he wants something, he could care less about the whims of others as he only cares for his own desire.

Aura type: Recovery
Aura Color: Silver/White
Semblance: Holy Blade - Despite its name, Alric's semblance allows him to conjure white glowing spikes of varying sizes from his aura. Upon contact the spikes transform from its spear like form, spreading across the mass of whatever it hits and enveloping them in an aura which has the potential to cause sleep. He can also project these spikes outward like a bullet for a ranged attack as well. If the spike fails to induce slumber, the aura just shrouds them in a white light briefly that does nothing but make them bright. These spikes do not affect Alric.

Item 1: Lohengrin - A silvery long sword adorned with a ruby gem and a chrome finish with a blade coated in a thin dust lining along the edge to keep its sharpness while enabling it to be enhanced with dust. Because of the nature of the blade, when swung it produces a sound reminiscent of many birds chirping. He keeps it in a white adamantine sheathe at his side.

Item 2: Daiya Āmā - A Pearly heavy white armor that encompasses his entire body from neck to toe. He keeps his armor in a white suitcase with a feather emblem that can be equipped quite quickly. This armor defends against Physical attacks.

Item 1-2 Reference:

History and Sample


RP Sample:

Last edited by Alric Lancelot on Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:11 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Alric Lancelot Empty Re: Alric Lancelot Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:07 pm

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Richard Lionheart

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