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Jasper Blythe

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1Jasper Blythe Empty Jasper Blythe Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:02 am

Jasper Blythe

Jasper Blythe
Enrollment Form

Jasper Blythe Gate_anime_itami_v2

Basic info
Name: Jasper Blythe
Age: 17
Birthday: 4 June
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 75kg
Face Claim:Youji Itami, GATE

SPT:4 (+1)
Aura 170|130 HP

Likes: Relaxing, reading, most classes (Philosophy is a favourite), his cheap, battered, nylon stringed guitar. It's not going to win any prizes, but it still works well.
Dislikes: bullies or anyone that “harshes the mellow”, grimm, doing things the “hard way”
Fears: His secret to be found out (What his aura really is), Becoming a social pariah, his family or friends coming to harm.
Overall Personality: Probably the most zen person you’ll ever meet, Jasper has a carefree look on life that boils down to “Do unto others”, and is a firm believer in karma. He always believes that everything will turn out fine (at least for him). He’s always ready with some kind words or advice for any who need it, and isn’t afraid to pitch in, unless there’s an easier way of getting the same result. Does not like fighting anything that isn’t a grimm, unless it’s part of a class or just sparring. During his free time he can usually be found underneath his favourite tree sitting quietly and letting the world pass him by.

Aura type: Spirit
Aura Color: Light yellow
Semblance:Light manipulation: Can produce anything  from a gentle glow from his hand to a blinding flare or a pulsing strobe.
Item 1: lv 1 steel sanjiegun (three sectioned staff) used to channel Dust. Hasn’t gotten around to giving it a name yet.
Item 2: lv 1 brigandine (armor)
History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Jet Jeyson on Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:35 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Lien vers l'image était brisé, je l'ai juste réparé :P)

2Jasper Blythe Empty Re: Jasper Blythe Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:52 pm

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
Jasper Blythe Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

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