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Jessica Leblanc

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1Jessica Leblanc Empty Jessica Leblanc Sat Mar 05, 2016 6:57 pm

Jessica Leblanc

Jessica Leblanc
Enrollment Form

Jessica Leblanc Cute-anime-fox-girl-original-2429093

Basic info
Name: Jessica Leblanc
Age: 19
Birthday: July 7th
Gender: Female
Race: Fox Faunus
Height: 5'5" or 165 cm
Weight: 120 lbs or about 54 kilos
Face Claim: Some cute fox girl~

STR: 4
DEF: 2
RES: 2
SPT: 4
Aura 200|100 HP

Group: Gadgeteer
Likes: Any lightning related phenomenon, music, playing her keytar, sweets and pastries, hitting some homeruns, baseball, being electrocuted (especially by being struck by lightning), being pet, jokes and puns, snow, spiders (somehow)
Dislikes: Sour food, being cold, being alone, rain, all sports but baseball and hunting (that's a sport, right?)
Fears: Heights, total isolation, being on a boat, frogs

Overall Personality: Jessica has a very simple personality and way of life: be kind and caring towards her and she'll follow you anywhere. Break any promise or be mean, she'll break your legs. Jess has always followed either her instinct or anyone who would show any kindness to her, whether for good reasons or ulterior motives. Although the ones with bad intentions generally regretted trying to harm the little fox. Jess has always been weak willed, never taking decisions and simply following those she trusts, she'd never talk back or question orders. This attitude though is paired with an incredible curiosity and a tendency to get distracted or captured when she sees anything lightning or electricity related. Thunderstorms, circuitry panels, cut electricity lines, if it can shock, Jess is near it. Fortunately for her, she won't get hurt by any electricity that is natural or coming from a machine, just other people's electric semblance could hurt her. In battle though, Jessica is as focused as can be. She'll still follow instructions, but with more cautious as to avoid any unnecessary harm.

Aura type: Recovery
Aura Color: Yellow
Semblance: Overclock: Buff; Jessica's semblance allows her to accelerate the rate at which the molecules of her body creates an impressive electric current due to the friction. This energy charge will be released as she moves, as she needs to stand still for her semblance to charge. Her Overclocked state can be used either for movement (Speed Buff) or to empower an attack (STR Buff), although both uses are based on the kinetic energy released. Unfortunately, Jess can't use her Overclock to both move and attack, since moving towards her enemy would use her charge and wouldn't be able to be used to attack and vice-versa. In use, yellow sparks of lightning floats all around her.

Item 1: Weapon; Grenade-Slugger; Looking like a mere baseball bat with what seems to be some sort of lever-action mechanism at the handle, Jessica's G-S is a weapon of her own creation. Used to club and swing at short range, this weapon's true potential lies in its other function. When the lever-action mechanism is activated, a spherical object jumps out from the bat and is sent flying upward for Jess to strike it like a baseball. This object is in fact an unstable plasma grenade tweaked to explode on the 2nd impact it receives. Why second? Because if it was the first, she would explode herself trying to hit the explosive. It's an original take on the grenade launcher that Jess is really proud of. It collapses as a goldish-copperish rod that she fits at the back of her belt.

Unfortunately, because of an accident, the grenade function is no longer working and will need to be reworked into the weapon, so for now it is simply a fancy-looking baseball bat.

Item 2: Physical armor; A reworked protective piece of a baseball uniform. Light, resistant and modified to not hinder any movement, this protection covers Jessica's left arm.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

2Jessica Leblanc Empty Re: Jessica Leblanc Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:02 am

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
All good!

Jessica Leblanc Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

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