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Maeva Marine [Completed]

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1Maeva Marine [Completed] Empty Maeva Marine [Completed] Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:43 pm


Enrollment Form

Maeva Marine [Completed] 572_BA734_D234_D9_D7_CAD0_C6_E58_D924_C1665_F2501_DBCC4_CBE

Basic info
Name: Maeva Marine
Age: 19 years old
Birthday: August 20
Gender: Female
Race: Albino Mouse Faunus, has a tail that she hides
Height: 1,65 m
Weight: 120 lbs
Face Claim:

STR: 3
DEF: 3
RES: 3
SPT: 3
HP 200|100 Aura

Major: Medical
Likes: All kind of cheese, music, her hair, taking a day off, being complimented even though she'll act as she doesn't care
Dislikes: Having to redye her hair ever so often, having to lie to others, the wrongdoings of the White Fang, racism
Fears: Someone dying her hair something else than blue, sunburns, cats, being put apart even by other faunus because of her albinism

Overall Personality: Maeva is a simple girl, she's not looking to be popular, she's not looking to be the strongest or the smartest, fortune has little meaning to her and going down history for something great isn't in her agenda. She does what she does in order to get through life in general. She generally won't go out of her way for others, unless this person is important enough. Although she seems to close herself to others, if you know how to approach her, she's generally very friendly and sociable, never really avoiding a little chat, but never quite engaging in them by herself. She has one of those guts feeling though when she feels like she won't get along with someone else and will often avoid them for that. Besides that, she's an opened minded and carefree person that lives her life day by day.

Aura type: Recovery
Aura Color: Clear but changing (See Semblance)
Semblance: Masquerade's Dancer (Multiple Buffs) The way Maeva's Semblance works is pretty unique, she has multiple masks strapped to her left arm. Each mask were crafted specially to fuse with her aura when she wears them, giving her additional properties for as long as she wears them. She can only wear on mask at a time and her body needs to recover slightly before putting back a new one (1 turn). She can however put back the same one if needed without waiting. Also, each mask has some sort of tempo enchanted to them, as if a song was possessing them and those tempos force Maeva to act along, giving the illusion of a dance whenever she fights. The masks have a smaller and less detailed form when they are not in use, not encumbering her that way.

Here's a list of her masks:

The Warrior \ Tempo: 4/4 \ Aura Color: Red (STR Buff): Maeva's right arm fuses with her chainwhip, morfing her whole arm like a serpent blade that she can swing around with massive strength.
The Guardian \ Tempo: 1/4 \ Aura Color: Green (DEF Buff): Maeva's left arm fuses with the unused masks, forming a towering shield capable of sustaining enormous blows.
The Bird \ Tempo: 3/4 \ Aura Color: Blue (RES Buff): Maeva's back sprouts wings with feathers resistant to dust. They fall like a cape on her shoulders.
The Eye \ Tempo: 2/4 \ Aura Color: Yellow (SPT Buff): Maeva's head changes to fit a jewel in the center, charged with whatever dust she has on her to fire a concentrated beam of dust.
The Beast \ Tempo: 8/4 \ Aura Color: Black (Speed Buff): Maeva's tail and legs transforms into wolf-like parts, granting her speed and mobility beyond average. Although the mask gives her a look similar to Grimms...

Masks appearance when worn:

The Warrior: ( )
The Guardian: ( )
The Bird: ( )
The Eye: ( )
The Beast: ( )

Item 1: A sturdy, powerful and subtle chainwhip that is hidden in her right sleeve, has a reach of 3 meters
Item 2: Her other sleeve is protected by the many masks she uses, offering physical protection

History and Sample
RP Sample:

2Maeva Marine [Completed] Empty Re: Maeva Marine [Completed] Sat Apr 30, 2016 8:07 am

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart

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