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Esoric Tavendash (FIN)

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1Esoric Tavendash (FIN) Empty Esoric Tavendash (FIN) Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:01 pm

Esoric Tavendash

Esoric Tavendash
Enrollment Form

Esoric Tavendash (FIN) Tatsumi.Takeshi.240.941954

Basic info

Name: Esoric Tavendash

Age: 38

Birthday: Came into the world at October 15th.

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 185 pounds

Face Claim: takeshi tatsumi -giant killing


STR: 5

DEF: 3

RES: 3

SPT: 1

Aura 50|250 HP


Group: Professor; Physical Education/ Sports Coach


Go-Getters: He likes them because it makes you go far in the world, yet is wise enough to see that it's sometimes dangerous to be a go-getter.

Sports: Been in them most of his reasonably short life, taken a liking to them over that time period.

Himself: He's not a narcissist, but he likes himself enough to not get pulled down by those who suggest that he's less then okay. He understands improvement is always there.

Winning: While not as much as before, he still likes winning. He used to be super competitive, playing multiple sports and pushing his body to it's limit. He laughs at that idea now, but he never talks to it about anyone.

Future: He likes the future, as it's open and broad. Not even he knows what's going to happen.

His EPTSTW(Evil Plan To Save The World):  While not a psychopath, he wants to get rid of things like White Fang, any rouge groups and make it easier for people to enjoy sports. This means, he is not afraid of fighting dirty to achieve his goals. Although this is a secondary thing to doing whatever it would be at the moment that he's set his mind on.


Unneeded Prejudice: Widely atoned to the hate of fanus, he despises unneeded hate of people and things.

Dairy Products: He's Lactose Intolerant, has been from childhood.

Taking credit: He hates taking credit for something he never, ever did.

Using his weapon: He hates using the gun he keeps inside his coat, but keeps it there none the less.


Dying from some kind of incurable illness.

People figuring out what happened in his past, for reasons only he himself knows.

Having to be open to someone.

Overall Personality: Always one to cheer others up by using motivation phrases and a quick smile, Esoric is considered to be a very idiosyncratic individual. He always plays to his own beat, walks to his own drum. He's rather hard to predict, and that's not because of some kind of high level of intelligence. It's because... well, that's how he is. He's rather secretive about basically everything, and he's rather good a deflecting questions. It's second nature to reflect questions about his personal self, and past. This is because he rather likes staying impersonal to people, and not get attached. He's seen enough times where that's led to strange and frankly stupid moments, so he chooses to act detatched and to think logically. Although, his logic can be askew just as he himself is rather interesting.

This is not to act as though he's perfect, as himself is often quoted telling the team, whichever one he's coaching at the time, "Kid, I ain't perfect, but I'm as close as I can get to alright. Contrary to me record, it ain't me getting the points, it's you guys. I just happen to have my name attached." That's another aspect of his personality, even though he likes winning; he hates taking credit for something he didn't do.


Aura type: Healing

Aura Color: Grey

Semblance: He's able to create large flashes of light from his hand, which often leave his opponents blind. However. It's just light and nothing more, so it can cause no physical damage. He grows a ball of light, the size of a baseball, and the quickly squashes his hand into a fist, squishing the ball of light. The pressure itself causes it to explode. (Utility, 10 aura per use)

Item 1:
It's his pistol he always carries inside his, and holds 15 rounds in each clip. He carries extra clips on him at all times just in case. (Weapon level one)

Item 2: His hoodie is infused with Anti-dust nano-machines, although they are an old version. (Magical Armor level 1)

History and Sample

RP Sample:

2Esoric Tavendash (FIN) Empty Re: Esoric Tavendash (FIN) Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:23 pm

Lloyd Vanheim

Lloyd Vanheim
Approved ^^

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