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Veilin Heartgold

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1Veilin Heartgold  Empty Veilin Heartgold Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:17 pm


Enrollment Form

Veilin Heartgold  Latest?cb=20130806170148&path-prefix=protagonist

Basic info
Name: Veilin Heartgold [Project Pure]
Age: 26 [Real Age: 5]
Birthday: December 25
Gender: Male
Race: Android
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 799.99 lbs
Face Claim: Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy Series

STR: 3
DEF: 4
RES: 2
SPT: 3
Aura 150|150 HP

Group: Teachers
Likes: Children, Nature, Technology
Dislikes: Grimm, Chocolate, Color "Black"
Fears: Dark, Shutting Down, Spiders
Overall Personality: Veilin, though a program, is a free spirited young boy with a strong sense of individuality. He hates being held down and ordered around and despite a cool, elegant demeanor he seldom stays in the same place for too long, yearning for adventure. This perpetually faint smiling, cool elegance hides a fiery will and a passionate drive. It's hard to see him lose his cool, but nonetheless he is still rather moody and whimsical, and tends to hold vicious grudges when wronged. Normally honest, straightforward, and sometimes even aloof, Veilin does love his mystery, and thus might sometimes introduce himself with his middle name or a drastically different personality, revealing an impish, playful side.

Viline is shallow, adoring heartthrob and loathing ugliness, yet with his philosophical, abstract nature this isn't as always as straightforward as people might think. Regardless, he is open minded and seldom judges people, and is willing to accept just about anyone with whatever quirks they may have, respecting people who can do the same.

He, like most of the scientists that created him, has an artistic, contemplative nature with a penchant for abstract philosophy and shiny things. His favorite brand of art is stage acting and he is known for having a plastic, completely malleable demeanor that lets him play any character convincingly, thus making him one of the most popular actors in Remnant. His system is often known for a long standing protection against the more violent Grim, and Veilin is no rejector to this, believing that those creatures and twisted beings who blantantly disrespect life do not deserve it either.

Though Veilin loves attention and being in the spotlight, he also values his personal space and especially his much needed alone time, and frequently sways between the life of the party and a wallflower depending on his overall mood. He is eloquent - with perfect diction and a trained ability to project her voice - and makes frequent use of show business related metaphors, as well as random pieces of philosophy when speaking.

Aura type: Healing
Aura Color: Yellow
Semblance: Hydraulic: Reroutes power mainly to leg hydraulics for speed buff.
Item 1: Buster Sword: A big blade that Veilin holds sacred to him.
Item 2: Fire Dust

History and Sample

RP Sample:

Last edited by Veilin on Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:24 am; edited 4 times in total

2Veilin Heartgold  Empty Re: Veilin Heartgold Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:38 pm


I do believe I am done.

3Veilin Heartgold  Empty Re: Veilin Heartgold Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:04 pm



ps: pls fix image

4Veilin Heartgold  Empty Re: Veilin Heartgold Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:10 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Alright >.< Sorry I didn't get to this sooner but you're 42 words off the 300 minimum for history. Add them, bump, and we're good ^^

5Veilin Heartgold  Empty Re: Veilin Heartgold Sat Dec 19, 2015 5:24 am



6Veilin Heartgold  Empty Re: Veilin Heartgold Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:54 am

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Approved ^^

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