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Kristin Rossfeld

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1Kristin Rossfeld Empty Kristin Rossfeld Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:01 pm

Kristin Rossfeld

Kristin Rossfeld
Enrollment Form

Kristin Rossfeld Sample_eeee3223c7cee71262a0110e87715e386ac2cff0

Basic info
Name: Kristin Rossfeld
Age: Nineteen
Birthday: July 20th
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5'6"
Weight: Moderate
Face Claim: Hoshii Miki [Idolmaster]

STR: 3
DEF: 3
RES: 3
SPT: 3
Aura 110|190 HP

Group: Gadgeteers

Likes: Being the Center of Attention, Flirting, Martial Arts, Cute Boys, Cute Girls, Her 'Art', Fashion
Dislikes: Fighting, People Thinking She's Just a 'Dumb Blonde', Someone Stealing Her Spotlight
Fears: Loved Ones Leaving, Being Ignored, Commitment

Overall Personality:
Kristin's mentality of life, including fighting, can often be summed up as 'style over substance'. Quite simply, this just means that she values things that are rather flashy and attention-drawing more than she does something that's convenient or effective. In fact, she often carries that idea with her no matter what the subject it is, be it fighting and training, or something such as fashion or art. Not to say that Kristin lacks substance herself, but more so that what she shows people outwardly is someone that would often be considered to be your typical cheerleader.

But the thing about that is that Kristin would never be content with being a cheerleader. They're people that cheer on from the sidelines, giving the real stars the motivation that they would need while giving the audience some eye-candy to look at. Kristin's goal is to be more than that. She aspires to be a great fighter... but for reasons that are certainly not typical. Really, if she were being honest, Kristin would claim that she really didn't enjoy fighting all that much, merely finding it as a conduit for her main goal. To her, being a huntress is an art style, one that has so much room to grow and be perfected. And that's just what she sets out to do. She trains to perfect her style, she fights to be watched, she basks in the attention like nothing else in the world could possibly manage.

Nothing about Kristin is subtle. Everything considered, Kristin craves attention while at the same time giving off this self-centered air that's certainly not hard to notice. Even during normal everyday conversation, her goal in it is to make it a spectacle; with a flirty tone, she tests to person to see if she could be the one to give her the attention that she's dependent on to make herself feel important and meaningful. That's not to say that she's only concerned about herself. While she may seem - and somewhat be - shallow, there's a part of her that truly does enjoy seeing others succeed as well, even going so far as to help them out without a single shred of being mentioned. Sometimes.

Aura type: Speed
Aura Color: Yellow
Semblance: Golden Spotlight [Buff] - Many fighters use their semblance to accent their powers and abilities, neatly tying their skill sets together. And then there are others that base their combat style around the use of their semblance. Kristin's Golden Spotlight is of course in the later category. Or perhaps it was less that and more that the semblance adjusted itself to its user? Whatever the case, Kristin's semblance is quite unique is several ways. The first of which being the variety that it allows, seeming to give Kristin the edge in whatever situation she may be in. It does this by allowing its user to switch between certain 'stances'. Each of these stances gives Kristin a boost to her own abilities, as well as changing her appearance slightly. While each of the stances are based off of various mythological beings, when activated, her aura seems to shift intensely, creating an image of the being it's based on, as well as shifting her own style of fighting. Once the change between stances is complete, the aura settles down, changing Kristin's appearance in more subtle ways. Although all the changes are notably formed with aura due to their transparent quality.


Item 1: Love Taps [Weapon] - A pair of weapons that were designed by Kristin for use in her fighting style. While the weapon appears to be scale-like accessories, they can actually be used to hit opponents with both fists and the upper arms. While the material itself is hard and stable, the way the scales are designed make it so that the user's dexterity in the wrists and hands go unhindered. While she often wears the weapons - and they don't have a travel form as Kristin is used to wearing them at all times - it's not always explicitly obvious that they are weapons instead of simple jewelry.
Item 2: Mistress Fortune [Physical Armor] - Another modified piece of jewelry by Kristin. Although it seems like a normal golden necklace, it doubles as an armor piece. Pressing down on the emerald in the middle creates something similar to a force-field over the person's body, causing them to almost seem as though they're shining. Although the technology isn't exactly hers per se, but simply something that she adapted from other tech that is similar.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Kristin Rossfeld on Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:59 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Kristin Rossfeld Empty Re: Kristin Rossfeld Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:29 am

Kristin Rossfeld

Kristin Rossfeld
It's taken me almost a month, but I should be finished.

3Kristin Rossfeld Empty Re: Kristin Rossfeld Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:01 pm

Lloyd Vanheim

Lloyd Vanheim
Approved ^^

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