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Grimm 101, strike 2 [Registered students only]

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Professor Coal

Professor Coal
Coal was sitting at his desk in his class, as usual, nothing special really as he was simply getting ready to host a class, as a teacher is suppose to do. He surely didn't felt like doing it though, as the last time he had a class, it was set on fire by a student and needed to be repaired. After said repairs, the whole building was blown up, and even if it was during the summer and that no class would be happening at the time, it still slowed down his preparations for the classes. Now that everything was in order and that things would be better, he could do his "job" and be a teacher. He simply hoped that his students this time wouldn't be another bunch of hyperactive undisciplined brats.

Coal took the list of students that were registered for his class and scrolled down to get a glimpse of who would be there, and the site of one name made him wished he wasn't a teacher here at Syne, Grenal Black. "Damn that bastard.... why does he have to pursue me.... can't he just go kill himself already... tsk..." All the other names on the list weren't nothing to mention as they wee but normal students, some with privileged or connections with higher ups, but like that would make Coal change the way he'll teach those students.

The first ones arrived, taking random seats all over the room. Coal simply stared at them without saying a word as he was analyzing them while smoking. He didn't care the slightest as to what the students would think of a teacher smoking right in front of them, but he was pretty sure he wouldn't be the worse teacher in the school. He waited for all the kids to sat down before doing anything.




I mean sure, he was a student and all, but was it really necessary for him to attend classes? For his entire time here, Kei had just been skipping classes altogether. He didn't really have time for them, or even the want to do them. He had more important things to do, things that would make him happier in the long run, like sleeping in and drinking.

It wasn't long though until he was threatened with needing to take at least one class or face expulsion. As great as being free from the chains this Academy had over him, Kei knew it wouldn't be wise to leave. The end result was him signing up for a class.

Kei wasn't exactly sure what class he signed up for, he just marked something random on the sign up sheet. So when he walked into the lecture hall, he wasn't entirely sure what he was supposed to expect. As Kei walked in, the first thing he noticed a male teacher smoking in front of the classroom.
So he's one of those not-caring types of teachers. Kei ultimately decided, without actually knowing, going entirely based off of the fact that no strict teacher would probably smoke in class.

This being decided, Kei walked right back out of the classroom. He ended up going to the snack bar, and picked up a lunch set of a large box of pepperoni pizza and a large two liter bottle of sweet tea. After he did, he would return to the classroom. This detour took him about 15 minutes, and by the time he got back, he was like 5 minutes late.

Casually making his way through the rows of seats, Kei chose to sit in the seat as farthest back as he could sit in. He placed the box of pizza and the drink on the table, kicking his feet back on his chair. Immediately, Kei pulled out his scroll and began to play "Flappy Nevermore".

Mood: Casual
Condition: Healthy and Hidden
Health: 180
Aura: 120


Grenal looked at his schedule, and noticed a peculiar name on the teacher spot. He had a class under Coal? This made him smile, but then he felt a rage, somewhat murderous, and he had woken up late. He had no time to fix his hair, which was then hanging over his eyes. He couldn’t remember what happened last night, at least, until he noticed a bottle of hard liquid on the table next to him. It was completely empty.

“Did...I get drunk last night? How… Did I sneak the drink onto campus? I’m gonna have to go check the damned closet.”

He looked in the closet and found a rather bloody shirt, but then noticed that he probably got into a drunken brawl. He was trained in Muay Thai, therefore he was a very effective hand to hand fighter, and a prodigy of the mind no less. He left nothing unchecked, so not remembering the night before, that was strange. He went into the bathroom, and checked the clock. He figured that he had just broken the clock in the main room, but the other one said he only had ten minutes till the next class.

“Shite. I don’t have time to compose myself, and this urge. It’s getting stronger. I... “

A loud crash could be heard coming from inside the man’s room. The crash was him elbowing a hole in the wall, where he often carved away with his razor, as to keep it aptly sharp. It was all for neigh, hungover and angry, unprepared and deprived of his memories, Grenal would just have to continue on. This was why he never got drunk. He never had his head on straight the next day, but after roughly combing his hair back he decided to go still. He ran over to the class, taking his razor and shoving it in his pants pocket.

Once he got near the class, he noticed that his shirt was slightly unbuttoned, but no matter. He entered just on time. He noticed Coal up front, and quickly moved up to him and stared at him. His eyes meeting Coals.

“Miss me, bastard?” He said in a quiet voice, before skulking into a corner seat and leaning his head against the wall. His head hurt now, having been introduced to something other than quiet of his room. After all, he never set any alarm but his internal alarm. Which was super late today.

Sammey White

Sammey White
Sammey had just gotten up and dressed in her new school uniform and started to pick her things she'll need for her classes to today. As she walked to her fist class of the day it was her dust class than her Girmm 101 class. She knew today was going to be a one of a kind. A few hr's had passed and Sammey walked out of her dust class and had 15 min's before she had to be at her Grimm class so she stopped by the snack bar and got her a little chocolate muffin and some milk to go with it.

As she looked at her scroll for the time she still had about 7 min's before her next class started *I-i'd better got going to class.* As she walked to class she nomed on her food and took little sips of her milk. Once she was at the doors of the class room she still had some most of her milk and poked her head in and seen there was only a few other people all ready here. There was a spot open 2nd to the last row by the wall opened so she walked to it. She didn't say anything to anyone and got her things out and looked at the professor and got a death look and looked down at her book scared and just waited for class to start.


Professor Coal

Professor Coal
Coal looked around as most students were on time for the class, since some seemed to not really care about being late or not. One student even walked back out right after entering. Most of the kids weren't very noticeable, besides Grenal who made his way to Coal to taunt him and a scared little girl behind. Coal kept his composure as the maniac he knew approached, it was very tempting to punch him right in the jaw the second he was in range, but then he could have been fined for assault, which wouldn't be good as Coal was trying to stay off the radars of the authorities. All he could hope was that Grenal wouldn't do anything stupid out in the open. With all those students, it would be such a pain to deal with.

As all the students seemed to wait for the class to start, Coal finally spoke up. "Alright, so I won't ask who you are and I don't want anyone to ask who I am. I'm your teacher and that's all there is to it. I'm not here to be your friend, I'm here to teach you how to slay Grimm in an efficient manner. My class will be simple, so as asked and you'll pass. Do otherwise and you'll be stuck here longer than expected. Do more than asked, don't expect any bonus from me, I'm not your mom. So here a few rules, nothing too complicated I hope. Be present, do your work, don't bother me and..."

At that moment, the student who walked out came back into the class, with pizzas and a drink, and walked to a seat in the back. Coal simply stared at him during the whole time before slowly walking to him, picked the pizzas and the bottle as well as the scroll before returning to his own desk. He placed everything on it before darting his gaze back to the student. "...and no eating in class. I'll add that any students that aren't here with the intent to learn seriously get out of my class immediately. I'm here to teach you how to protect the ones that can't, I'm not here to babysit anyone, understood?" Coal then looked around the class, waiting for those who didn't want to stay to leave before continuing.




When Kei came back to the class, there were more students inside. None of them Kei knew though, but no surprises there. He wasn't really the social type. Kei did notice one girl seemed particularly terrified at something. It didn't bother Kei enough to ask though. He was also completely unaware of the tension between the Professor and another one of the students sitting in the front.

Kei's enjoyment didn't last long, and right off the bat, his food, drinks and scroll were confiscated. It seemed that he completely misjudged his teacher. Professor Coal wasn't a care-for-nothing like Kei had originally presumed just by his appearance and his smoking in class.

"Oi oi oi, hold up a second!" Kei complained to Professor Coal regarding his confiscated goods, "This is a bit uncalled for don't you think? If anything, I should be allowed to eat and drink. You know they say you retain 50% more knowledge then you usually do if you eat and drink at the same time that you learn stuff? Don't ask me why though. There's probably a bunch of science behind it and I'm not really much of a scientist. If anything though, eating and drinking is far healthier then smoking. I heard smoking kills brain cells."

Kei's fact about retaining knowledge about eating and drinking was a complete lie, but he wasn't really too worried. He tended to make up a lot of things because it was easy to get away with most lies in life. If you say something with confidence, people tended to believe you, regardless of if it's a lie or not. They don't know that. That's free advantage. Kei would be stupid if he take it.

Mood: Casual
Condition: Healthy and Hidden
Health: 180
Aura: 120


"Total shite. It'll distract you and make a total mess."

Lying to the face of a prodigy detective, it's impressive. Although, he had to figure that most of them didn't know that Coal was an ex-detective. Or really anything. Maybe they didn't know that he was considered to have done one of the most heinous things to a police force. He didn't of course, but hey. Blackmail was Blackmail and he had lots of it.

He just kinda glared at Coal before deciding to have a giggle.

"But isn't us being here bothering you, Mi- I'm sorry. Professor Coal?"

A sly smile came to his face. He was hungover and decided to have fun with it. Otherwise. What kinda guy was he? A horrible
serial killer, yes. A terrible person, sure. Is he the worst person in the room? Probably. But does he have fun? Well.... Yes. It really did.

Sammey White

Sammey White
As Sammey was sitting there a man’s voice called out. "Alright, so I won't ask who you are and I don't want anyone to ask who I am. I'm your teacher and that's all there is to it. I'm not here to be your friend, I'm here to teach you how to slay Grimm in an efficient manner. My class will be simple, so as asked and you'll pass. Do otherwise and you'll be stuck here longer than expected. Do more than asked, don't expect any bonus from me, I'm not your mom. So here a few rules, nothing too complicated I hope. Be present, do your work, don't bother me and..." As the Professor was talking the guy than walked out came back in with some food. *I-is that pizza?* than the professor walked to the guy in the back and took the pizza for the guy. "...and no eating in class. I'll add that any students that aren't here with the intent to learn seriously get out of my class immediately. I'm here to teach you how to protect the ones that can't, I'm not here to babysit anyone, understood?"

Sammey was about to run out of the class but stopped her self-form doing so and just lowered her head and said nothing.

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