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Sonovonori Raimari Dianous

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1Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Empty Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:28 am


Enrollment Form

Sonovonori Raimari Dianous 770133248_1410354

Basic info
Name: Sonovonori Raimari (Raime) Dianous
Age: 23
Birthday: 11/13
Gender: Male
Race: Wolf Faunes
Height: 7'
Weight: 270lbs
Face Claim: Yuuma Vocaloid

Aura 130|170 HP

Group: Warrior
Likes: - Crafting and Designing
- Forging and Scavenging
- The heat/ warmth
- Constant music
- Soft hair
Dislikes: - Humanity
- Ignorance and Segregation
- The white fang
- A weak-minded person
- The flightful
- Birds
Fears: - Women
- Pity
- Silence
Overall Personality: Since he is more of a scavenger, he can get easily bonded with someone over food or sharing. It is amazing how well this tactic works, but if his trust is broken it can be hard to get it back as he is distrustful, and he will tend not to take as many orders or follow someone else. He hates being used for someone else's personal gain without mutual return. If he finds out about being used by someone he will distance himself from them unless they are extremely close in friendship, compassion, or relationship. He will go out of his way to make others happy if they treat him kindly. For some odd reason- a medical condition of sorts- when ever he cries his tears are blood red with the thickness of blood, but it isn't blood at all. That thing about him caused him to shut down most his emotions, leaving him a giant murderous husk so nobody would ask why his tears look like blood. As distrustful as he is, he likes and hates physical contact, bringing rage rather quickly if he gets touched by certain people. He used alot of drugs when his father passed, his mother often found him foaming from the mouth, so in recovery he is very skittish. More then anything he is unhappy and quiet, not having a single friend since his father died. Unannounced he is actually highly intelligent but nobody would know because he is incredibly antisocial by using music to block out people.

Aura type: Power
Aura Color: Black
Semblance: The Devils Ribcage: Semblance starts off as aura building up in the hands or feet, as the aura is ready to explode the user forces the aura against a surface, and it will spread out and explode outwards. The semblance once in contact will spread out to various distances, and once the aura releases itself it takes the form of dozens of see through blades ten feet in height, two feet in length, and one foot in thickness, shooting outwards and can not be aimed naturally. If the area is small, say a room of sorts, the blades formations will be more condensed. If the area is more of an open field, the distance between one blade to another is spontaneous but stops before 10 meters. The semblance can be pooled through a blade or projectile, and once the object is used (say its a sword that has been swung) the aura will leave the object, hit a surface, and then explode into a flurry of blades. Semblance color is black, and costs 20 aura per use. A visual of what I based this off of is "Gravelord greatsword dance".
Item 1: A black faceless faceplate that protects against dust.
Item 2: Borsha: A large black greatsword that can be dust infused to cause excessive damage and destruction.

History and Sample

RP Sample:

Last edited by Yasumita on Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:36 pm; edited 6 times in total

2Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Empty Re: Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:00 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Okay, only a few problems. First the site's max height is seven feet tall.

Second you can have a semblance similar to that but how it would work in RP is a stat buff, buffing only one stat at a time by 2 for 10 aura (lasting only a single post, you'd have to pay ten more aura next post to retain it)

Third is that initially weapons are only allowed one form. For now at least it can be a great sword or a sniper but not both. (Also hitting someone with your shield would do the same damage as just punching them or any unarmed combat)

Also could you go into more detail on the face claim? We need it to make the list, if it's original just try to find the creator of the piece and link them. The app's going good just a few kinks to iron out ^^

3Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Empty Found it Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:03 pm


Richard Lionheart wrote:Okay, only a few problems. First the site's max height is seven feet tall.

Second you can have a semblance similar to that but how it would work in RP is a stat buff, buffing only one stat at a time by 2 for 10 aura (lasting only a single post, you'd have to pay ten more aura next post to retain it)

Third is that initially weapons are only allowed one form. For now at least it can be a great sword or a sniper but not both. (Also hitting someone with your shield would do the same damage as just punching them or any unarmed combat)

Also could you go into more detail on the face claim? We need it to make the list, if it's original just try to find the creator of the piece and link them. The app's going good just a few kinks to iron out ^^

1. Okay, I didn't know there was a max height so I was using an actual medical condition for such, I like having a giant character because it makes everything difficult for him such as doorways or ceilings but if its a necessity I can cut him off at the knees (kidding) and make him 7 feet.

2. Got that, do I need to change anything or is it just an FYI for me to refer to?

3. I was referring to the RWBY animation so I wasn't sure. Ill be sure to revise this and quote you again to let you know it's ready.

And what if I can't find the creator? As far as I know it's a fan art piece, do I find the link and change it to the face claim? Nevermind it ended up being a vocaloid.

4Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Empty Re: Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:26 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Okay, only new problem is one weapon per person, so you can have the rifle or the sword. Not both. As for the semblance I'd put something akin to that it buffs one stat at a time by two for the cost of 10 aura to retain in the actual semblance description. Almost done ^^

5Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Empty Re: Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:55 pm


Richard Lionheart wrote:Okay, only new problem is one weapon per person, so you can have the rifle or the sword. Not both. As for the semblance I'd put something akin to that it buffs one stat at a time by two for the cost of 10 aura to retain in the actual semblance description. Almost done ^^

How is that?

6Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Empty Re: Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:00 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Perfect, Approved

7Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Empty Re: Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:01 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Moved as semblance alteration item used

8Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Empty Re: Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:55 am


Bumped for your approval richard. There is a visual of what his semblance looks like on YouTube. The name of what to look up is at the end of the semblance in quotes.

9Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Empty Re: Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:37 pm


Bump for approval

10Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Empty Re: Sonovonori Raimari Dianous Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:24 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart

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