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Hong Guowang (Finished)

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1Hong Guowang (Finished) Empty Hong Guowang (Finished) Sat Dec 24, 2016 2:20 am

Hong Guowang

Enrollment Form

Basic info
Name: Hong Guowang (红国王)
Name’s Translation/Meaning: Red King
Age: 19
Birthday: 1/11
Gender: Male
Race: Ape (Gorilla) Faunus
Faunus Feature: Prehensile Feet (“Ape-Hand-Feet”), large Fangs
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 180 lbs
Face Claim: N/A, I drew it.

STR: 5
DEF: 4
RES: 1
SPT: 2
Aura 100|200 HP

Major: Combat Major
  • Food: The only thing that could awaken Hong after falling into a Coma or wake him up should someone think he ‘died’. Food. Though he keeps himself in excellent physical shape he is known for his appetite, and is often compared to a black hole as regardless of how much he eats he never puts on any body fat. His favorite food is everything.
  • Dogs: As you can see Hong’s ‘likes and dislikes’ are actually all very simple in nature, lacking the complexity and otherwise harsh lengthy exterior. This is due to the fact that he himself is a simple creature, and because of that he finds that Dogs are almost exactly like him. Loyal, soft haired. They’re very easy to read, they get hungry, thirsty, need to go to the bathroom, but all around lovable creatures that Hong has often tried to bring on campus [yet to no avail, no dogs for him]. They're his favorite animal.
  • Fighting: Hong is a Combat Major for a reason, his mind is combat-oriented, and he often fails to grasp most other things such as technology or medicine.
  • People: Hong, unlike many Faunus, has been treated fairly as though he is a normal boy throughout his life. Although this is due to easily being mistaken as another human, having no Faunus-traits aside from his unusual feet. Regardless of who they are Hong will attempt to become their friend.
  • Company among Friends: Hong enjoys good company among friends. Of which he has none.

  • Grimm: It should be noted that Hong has never actually encountered a Grimm before, and most of his life in the safety of that old mountain village he has never seen one attack before. However, years attending a Mistral combat school has exposed him enough to teach him that “They are the Enemy.” giving him enough of a reason to dislike them.
  • Layers of clothing and or Jackets: Hong’s semblance is very specific in it’s effects, he eats something, his body covers itself in fur everywhere but his chest, neck, and head, and he gets significantly stronger. The primary issue with this would be the fur, he doesn’t like wearing too many layers otherwise he would overheat. This is something he doesn’t like.
  • Technology: Having grown up without such luxuries as a Video Game console or a Scroll to call people on, Hong displays some degree of dislike for technology. Computers, Scrolls, televisions, etcetera. This doesn’t apply to high-tech weapons and guns. It does apply to robots.
  • Shoes Hong has a very specific Faunus trait that enables him to climb trees and ‘monkey bars’ much easier. He has prehensile feet (For Example, look at a Gorilla, or Beast from the X-Men). Shoes are very uncomfortable for him unless they have enough room.
  • Being told “how to eat”: Hong’s primary method of eating is utilizing his hands, he doesn’t like being told how to eat a steak or not to eat an Orange as though it were an apple (Hong don’t eat the orange skins!). More importantly to use a dining utensil. Please refer to his fears to delve further upon this dislike.

  • No longer being able to fight Hong for as long as he can remember, has loved fighting, the idea of hitting things fit him as though it were a missing puzzle piece from his boring life atop that mountain with his ‘father’. Being unable to do so would mean he is ‘broken’, something Hong cannot bear to think of.
  • Starvation For someone with an appetite as large as Hong’s, this is unthinkable and is something that scares him. The easiest way to stop him from thinking about this is to say “you ate five minutes ago.” or hand him a ham.
  • Dining Utensils Do you know the game where someone tries to feed a baby by saying “here comes the airplane, say aw!”, well, Hong understood it as there was an actual helicarrier about to crash into his face while he was already in recovery due to a head injury. This is where his fears begin to get sort of silly, as Hong possesses an irrational fear of dining utensils, and will deliberately push the ones he is given onto the floor or return them to the person that gave them to him. This has sometimes gotten to the point of him just trying to pour punch from a bowl into a tiny cup to avoid using a ladle or just tossing something out the window, breaking it in the process.

Overall Personality:
To say the absolute least, Hong is a naive Faunus male that is lacking in the departments of intelligence and manners. He is frequently described as being a mix between that of a child, an adept martial artist, and a black hole that inhales anything and everything that could and is considered food. His love for fighting and eating is boundless, and his childish mind

Hong's primary personality trait would be his naive nature, he's childish in a way that only someone that doesn't understand most of the things that a normal adult would face, he lacks a deeper understanding of concepts that most men and women his age would grasp already. He's devoid of thoughts of attraction and love, and has been very innocent since his childhood due to having been diagnosed with amnesia, and then brought up in tiny mountain home with no one else other than the man that adopted him. To put something into perspective, if someone could look inside his mind and read his thoughts, they would find that he is devoid of thoughts that could cloud his judgement other than the word 'Food' in big bold letters, as well as the word fight in even bolder letters, outlined with crayon.

Hong can be very blunt and express his opinion in a discussion without actually taking into consideration that he might be unintentionally rude. This often happens when he’s speaking with someone of higher authority, as he usually doesn’t show respect. His naive nature is one of his most apparent traits aside from his intelligence, is described as being very naive, possessing no negative attitude intentionally or any form of negative or ‘dirty’ thoughts. He is also shown to be very innocent since his childhood, as he was sheltered for the most of it until his “Father” sent him to the town below their mountain to earn his dinner in fights.

While not exactly charming, lacking a finesse over serious wordplay (I.E, basic ability to hold a conversation is often dumbed down significantly), Hong speaks calmly and expresses confidence over harsh or dangerous situations, never emanating hostility when upset or frustrated, rather playing off of his ability to intimidate others with the use of his strength and his semblance. Out of all of the traits he has one of his most identifiable would be his sense of humor. It’s just a matter of how he can’t keep his mouth shut… Not in the sense that he’s giving out information, it’s just that he can’t stop mocking or joking about an opponent. Even in the face of certain death, Hong invariably cracks a joke, to the annoyance of both friends and foes. His reasons for this vary: either he wants to relieve the stress of a situation, or he’s sure what he’s fighting isn’t prepared for what is to come.

He also does this to get on the nerves of his opponents, as he knows that constantly berating them and cracking jokes about their appearance, creating witty banter, making them angrier and likely edgier than they already were. He playfully mocks and cracks jokes at his enemies. It doesn’t matter whose life is in danger either, he will stop telling jokes and mocking an enemy when he feels as though it’d be appropriate. It’s as though he mocks his enemies to make it seem as though he isn’t fighting seriously, which throws off his opponents enough to make it seem like he’s been holding back this entire time.

Despite Hunter’s working in teams, Hong has never really had any friends to communicate with, leaving his social skills (Not including his Banter skills) at a loss. Despite this he shows a great deal of care for others, and usually acts friendly regardless if someone’s threatening him or not. The friends he does make he is very protective over, and he will put his well-being above his own to ensure that they are comfortable, offering to buy food for them (as long as they share) and even put aside the classes he’s supposed to be attending for their wellbeing.

In conversation, Hong is very laid-back and casual, even in combat. He is also kind and patient, willing to listen to someone’s story and waiting for them to finish without interruption, bearing with their "small talk and weird looks".

He isn’t someone that has the capacity to watch another man or woman cry, or someone beg. He feels obligated to help them or cheer them up. It’s like watching an old man cry, Hong just can’t do it. He doesn’t care who or what is doing it, he hates hearing people cry, and he will do anything to stop them from crying or begging. Whether it be pawning off his loot for the day and giving it to them or making funny faces to cheer up a crying baby. Hong will find a way to stop the horrid noise.

In combat Hong is quick to become stern and reveal his combat-based intelligence, as well as his skill in battle. Should things become serious he’ll even put aside his mockery and the witty banter he enjoys all too much to adopt a more invasive and analytic mindset that would be more fitting upon a strategist behind the front lines. With that said, he plans out every move in a fight mere moments before it happens. To put something back into the air, he loves fighting, and loves winning those fights even more.

Skillful at: Fighting

Lacking skills in: Computer Skills

Aura type: Regeneration/Healing
Aura Color: Red
Semblance: Hong's appetite is ravenous and seemingly insatiable, but not without reason. Like all other beings he utilizes food as a source of fuel, although his semblance takes this literally. His semblance is affectionately referred to as "World Eater", and it enables him to eat virtually anything organic or inorganic (trees, his own weapon, steel, bullets, plastic, glass, cardboard, etc.) without harming himself. Regardless of what he's eaten or the amount of which he's consumed, it always has the same effect, creating an energy that channels into and through his muscles which lends to his already absurd strength. There are notable physical changes in the buff, such as an increase in body hair (to the point of Hong having fur on his arms, back, and legs.) and a distinct increase in muscle mass.

It should be noted that this Buff only works for him. Usually other people can’t chew through steel… unless you’re like a goat or something. This is a buff that provides +2 to strength. This costs 10+ Aura to maintain.

Item 1: Hong’s signature weapon is a large cudgel roughly 5 feet in length with a spiked metallic end.
Item 2: Before leaving to attend Syne Academy, Hong was given his adoptive Father's Keikogi, albeit modified a bit to fit him better (Dogi, or more commonly "Gi". Google it if you don't know what it is.). For a brief description of the apparel, this Keikogi is loose-fitting and fairly wore down, the light blue undershirt is covered with a gray Gi. While visibly loose-fitting and light, the Keikogi is reinforced with 30 pounds (It was made to take a hit, not make him more mobile.) of intricate metal-plating and frames which provide basic defense against physical attacks.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Hong Guowang on Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:42 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Hong Guowang (Finished) Empty Re: Hong Guowang (Finished) Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:09 am

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Hey ^^ welcome to the site. This is a very good app, but there is a problem. In the skills section, while you may have other skills you are good and bad at, you are only to put one in each category on the app. That's all, bump when done ^^

3Hong Guowang (Finished) Empty Re: Hong Guowang (Finished) Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:10 pm

Hong Guowang


4Hong Guowang (Finished) Empty Re: Hong Guowang (Finished) Sun Dec 25, 2016 3:37 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Approved ^^

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