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AGJS The Beginning [Jeane Arthuria, Severa Crowely, Aliane Wu, Gilgamesh Archer]

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Gilgamesh Archer

Gilgamesh Archer
Gilgamesh listened closely to their responses, and after a bit of thinking, he started to speak once more. Severa... I understand why you think yourself not a warrior, and, actually, on some degree I agree. Gilgamesh grinned, eyes locking onto Severa as he continued. But.. that is why we're at this place yes? We're here to become warriors, to conquer our fears, and to withhold peace. It is up to you how and how much you progress. Finishing addressing Severa, he then turned to Aliane to respond to her comments. And I think it is true that you have to fight to be considered a warrior, but I also keep the mindset that a warrior is not all that is good. Someone may very well not be a warrior, but that does not in any way bar them from becoming great in another way. Those who do not fight on the battlefield may not be warriors, but they may be just as or more important than those who are, there are many paths to greatness. Gilgamesh finally turned to Jeane as he addressed her as well. Keep that ideological honor, it may hinder you at times, but never let that get in your way, it'll pay for itself in the end. Gilgamesh smiled gently, a change from his usual wolfish grins, and he gazed over his new acquaintances with fondness. Now, what about future aspirations, eh? Where do you want to find yourself in the end? Oh, and how do you find my cooking so far? Gilgamesh turned to Jeane as he finished, readopting the wolfish grin that seemingly suit his face far more than the earlier smile.

Severa Crowley

Severa Crowley
As the three of them assured Sevy that a warrior wasn't all about fighting but more about the right attitude to have about your ideals that make you one. She nodded to the group and felt inspired for a second, right before Gilgamesh asked another question that he followed with a some sort of review of his cooking. Severa couldn't help but let out of a giggle before covering her mouth with her hand and going for a slurp of her milkshake to try not to laugh more. She then thought about the question at hand. "What am I aspiring to? Where I would like to be? Really, I don't know... I want to change myself, but I don't have any project after that."

She then silently thought to herself trying to figure something out. "I could become a full fledged Huntress. You don't have the skill to. That's mean. I mean not yet, but it could be a thing. Really? Are you ready to work hard? Not really. Then think of something else. I like singing, I could forge my path in that. Are you kidding me? What? With your shyness? You're right. I know I am. Shut it! Not until you find something. And if I go wherever this school brings me? That's not a bad idea, looking at today, not tomorrow, I can get behind that. It's a deal then? Deal!"

She then looked at the others with a smile "I'll go wherever the things I learned it this school will bring me. If I learn that I'm good at fighting, then I'll be the best I can to fight Grimms. If I find that I'm good at helping in other ways, then that's what I'll do. I'm not really nit-picky about this." She gave them a smile hoping it was enough, probably not though.

OOC: "Speeches" "Thoughts"

Aliane Wu

Aliane Wu
When Aliane heard the blond males question she replied with "Where do I find myself in the end?.. Well since we are in a school that is made to train us to kill the creatures of grimm what do you expect I am going to do go back home a spend my days making cookies? No! I plan to go back home and help my parents with their job of occasionally taking out grimm... I also want to form a team just like they did! Just imagine how cool it would be to form a team just like they did!.. Only I bet my team would be a bit more reliable.. When I was younger my parents had to go out to deal with a grimm situation. I hid in one of their suitcases and tagged along.. It was a bit more of a challenge than expect, They tried to call for back up but it never came.. There team wasn't reliable." Aliane looked down at her feet. She looked as though she were angry at the fact that the back up never came that day as she spoke again "I came out of my hiding place, I was on the battle field that day fighting with them. However I was inexperienced and stupid which explains my eye and the bandages around my upper torso.. We could of been killed that day, but they amazing thing is we weren't and we manged to take out the threat. Aliane then looked up and said "Oh.. Sorry I am rambling."

Jeane Arthuria

Jeane Arthuria
A bit appalled by what Gilgamesh had to say about her chivalric tendencies she responded in kind, "I will never allow myself to be taken advantage of especially due to my code no grimm will ever defeat me in the heat of battle so long as I know that people will need me to save them." She stopped realizing that her voice had carried a bit over the lunch room and a few people even shot her awkward glances causing her to feel a bit uncomfortable as she had stood up subconsciously to state this. Uncertain laughter escaped her lips as she seated herself down again beside the blond student wishing now more than ever she could have kept a lid on her emotions a bit.

Focusing instead on what Sevy had to say she would hopefully sway the topic away from her, "I'm certain that as long as you are with me Severa that you will always manage to hold strong and show your warrior instincts." She smiled gently.

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