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Aero(Le Done)

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1Aero(Le Done) Empty Aero(Le Done) Thu May 01, 2014 12:04 am


Enrollment Form

Aero(Le Done) Fe2cd5665d

Basic info
Name: Aero
Birthday: May 30th
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115lbs
Face Claim: Eve - Elsword

STR: 4
AGT: 3
SPD: 3
SPT: 2
Aura 140|160 HP

Group: Researchers


  • Learning
  • Books
  • Reading
  • Training
  • Music
  • The Academy
  • Dogs


  • Seafood
  • Obnoxiousness
  • White Fang
  • (Possibly) Faunus
  • Sweets


  • Clowns
  • Insects of any kind
  • Elephants

Overall Personality: Perfection. Perfection is the only thing Aero would ever strike for. She's a woman who has an attitude and speaks like a noble, and intends to keep it that way. She often thinks of herself highly, so her respect level for others, with the exceptions of high authorities, can be very low. However, Aero doesn't think to the point where she thinks she's royalty, but would just think she's a little better than everyone else, but would also try not to make it too obvious. Aero can be a helpful person for the sake of her grades, but in reality, she's  just sassy and bossy. She intends to be a little bitchy to a lot of people, regardless if they're human or not, but seems to have somewhat of a stronger dislike for the faunus, but sasses both humans and faunus equally, anyway. She is of course calm and keeps her cool, but at the same time, can just pop a vein if she's annoyed too much.

For "fun", it's nothing but work and training and getting some good grades, which shows that she can't really work well with people that are more easy-going. She can be judgmental and not afraid to speak her mind out, but can get defensive if she's judged on something. She can also be smart with her mouth and sometimes like to say remarks on others, and also laughs at other people's mistakes, and pessimistic on others. It's hard to get to her good side, but there's something for her to crack.

Aura type: Recovery
Aura Color: White
Semblance: (Utility) Aerokinesis: From her name, Aero is able to control visible existing wind and create her own visible wind from her own body using her aura.
Item 1:2 Knight Smash Rifles: Aero has two sets of the same weapon, carrying a large clip of 70 ammo. Aero is also able to convert her own aura into ammo, in case she runs out of them which would cost 5 aura points each 5 ammo is created
Item 2: Wind Dust Tier One

History and Sample

RP Sample:

Last edited by Aero on Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Aero(Le Done) Empty Re: Aero(Le Done) Thu May 01, 2014 6:44 pm

Leena Lilac

Leena Lilac
Yo! This looks good. :O


3Aero(Le Done) Empty Re: Aero(Le Done) Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:54 pm


Bump 4 being d0n3.

4Aero(Le Done) Empty Re: Aero(Le Done) Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:56 am

Revan Winterstone

Revan Winterstone
Well Done I am Approval
Aero(Le Done) Doge_approved_stamp_by_megashades-d7awpuq

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