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Talvi Lavenona, Photographer Extraordinaire! [DONE]

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Talvi Lavenona

Talvi Lavenona
Enrollment Form

Talvi Lavenona, Photographer Extraordinaire! [DONE] 8292975593_fcebf825d6_z

Basic info
Name: Talvi Lavenona
Age: 19
Birthday: March 14th
Gender: Female
Race: Faunus, snowy owl, can turn her head 360 degree
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 122 lbs
Face Claim: Chitose Shirasawa

STR: 3
DEF: 4
RES: 4
SPT: 1
HP 200|100 SP

Major: Academic
Likes: Taking pictures; music; ice cream; time away from everybody; compliments regarding her pictures; freaking people out by spinning her head all around
Dislikes: Being followed; bad criticism of her work; being forced to fight; compliments regarding herself
Fears: People finding out she likes taking selfies; never breaking out as a professional photographer; the dark
Talent: Fine Arts
Weakness Organisation
Overall Personality: If there's one word to describe Talvi, there'd be none, but a close one would be passionate. She loves photography to the point of leaving her parents to follow her dreams, she isn't afraid to go beyond in order to succeed and no one will stop her. But with that said, Talvi is far from being a role model. She is known to be blunt to the point of being mean and this happens rather often when you're a very critic person, which she obviously is. Fan of arts, looking for good and bad is as natural as breathing and won't hesitate to give her opinion, whether you want it or not. Despite all this though, Talvi can be kind and caring when you get to know her, just don't point it out to her or else you'll get the death stare. One things she loves to do is to suddenly rotate her head 180 when people are behind her to freak them out which usually works. She enjoys pranks like this, the creepier the better really but you're safe in any dark places as she won't step a foot there on her own, even if the perfect opportunity presents itself.

Aura type: Speed
Aura Color: Blue
Semblance: Still Frame; Utility; Using her semblance, Talvi can create an illusory panel that shows an image of what was behind it at the moment of its creation, hiding any changes appearing until the panel is lifted. For example, image a door opened to a room in which Talvi is standing. Close the door and open it again, Talvi could be still standing in front of you but it would be a still image of when she was there and be elsewhere without you knowing it, unless you would move towards the panel she would have created. If anything comes into contact with it, the panel will disappear. Another way to notice the use of her semblance would be to notice the lack of any movement in the image, usually easier to spot during rain or other weather that's easy to notice movement from.

Item 1: Weapon; A customized camera to take pictures like any other would but has another use which is to send powerful shockwaves of energy, causing ripples in the air as the pressure suddenly changes causing harm to whoever stands in the way. Dust can be added to the camera for added effects, like fire to cause a heatwave or lightning to create an EMP, although the power of the initial blast gets reduced from the added item.
Item 2: Vials of fire dust.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Sno Lagu

Sno Lagu
Talvi Lavenona, Photographer Extraordinaire! [DONE] Sno_Approved

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! So cute!!!

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