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Katt McTaggart [done]

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1Katt McTaggart [done] Empty Katt McTaggart [done] Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:20 am

Katt McTaggart

Katt McTaggart
Enrollment Form

Katt McTaggart [done] KwTGVYw

Basic info
Name: Katt McTaggart
Age: 37
Birthday: October 31st
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 145lbs
Face Claim: Unnamed character by Showfish

Aura 150|150 HP

Major: Professor - Mechanical Weapon Repair and Design.
Likes: Mechanics, Chocolate, Weapons, Relaxing, Drinking
Dislikes: Fighting, Distractions, Bombs, White Fang
Fears: Losing those she cares about, Nightmares, Losing her way again.
Talent: Engineering
Weakness Computer Wizard
Overall Personality: Katt is a generally jovial person, mostly due to her upbringing but at the same time she can get downright impolite if the situation calls for it. Of course when she drinks her mood always goes up and she tends to drink more than most even to the point of drinking full grown men under the table. Mechanical engineering is her passion and anything and everything about it interests her. And while she has a knowledge of electrical systems and such some of the new programming involving microchips and other such things are a little beyond her.

She still has nightmares to this day about what happened to Scott, though sometimes those nightmares come to the waking world. Usually she deals with this by drinking herself into a complete stupor. Luckily she isn't set off by most things and it usually only happens when she's alone so she is able to keep it hidden most of the time.
Aura type: Recovery
Aura Color: Brown
Semblance: Field of Knowledge: When her semblance is activated Katt can coat anything she is touching in a brown glow that gives her knowledge of that items inner workings and makes her more effective with this item, in the case of dust or weapons she can squeeze out more damage from them when her semblance is activated. This effect does not work on items shielded by another aura source. But at the same time she can also coat herself in this glow, causing a small amount of protection around her body that negates up to 20 dmg that hits her be it from dust, a physical attack or even a semblance attack.
Item 1: Weapon: Green Fury. An energy based revolver that shoots concentrated bursts of super heated plasma in thin bolts.
Item 2: Earth Dust: Special earth dust charges for the Green Furry.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Katt McTaggart on Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:41 pm; edited 28 times in total

2Katt McTaggart [done] Empty Re: Katt McTaggart [done] Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:25 am

Lapis Valesti

Lapis Valesti
Everything seem to be in order here. Will make an approved stamp later, but as far as Im concerned. Approved

3Katt McTaggart [done] Empty Re: Katt McTaggart [done] Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:47 am

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Going to have to stop this unfortunately ^^ll Accuracy isn't viable grounds for buffing, unfortunately that would have to be removed from your semblance before you continue.

4Katt McTaggart [done] Empty Re: Katt McTaggart [done] Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:43 pm

Katt McTaggart

Katt McTaggart

5Katt McTaggart [done] Empty Re: Katt McTaggart [done] Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:05 pm

Lapis Valesti

Lapis Valesti
With the new changes of the Semblance, I see no issues here so Im going to go ahead with Approved.

6Katt McTaggart [done] Empty Re: Katt McTaggart [done] Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:46 am


Moving for Revamp.

7Katt McTaggart [done] Empty Re: Katt McTaggart [done] Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:15 am

Katt McTaggart

Katt McTaggart

8Katt McTaggart [done] Empty Re: Katt McTaggart [done] Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:44 pm


Hmm, everything seems good. Maybe after a couple paychecks, you can get a better leg again!

Well, in any case...

Katt McTaggart [done] Ze92C2K

Katt McTaggart [done] VwJPcFk

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