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Defense Tactics and Readiness Unit 0075 (DTR-U75) [Done]

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Enrollment Form

Defense Tactics and Readiness Unit 0075 (DTR-U75) [Done] S7ZleVD

Basic info
Name: Defense Tactics and Readiness Unit 0075 (DTR-U75)
Age: 1 (appears to be in her early twenties)
Birthday: October 30th
Gender: Female
Race: Android
Height: 5' 5”
Weight: 325lbs
Face Claim: Mira Yurizaki – Dimension W

STR: 1
DEF: 5
RES: 5
SPT: 1
Aura 30|270 HP

Major: Combat
Likes: Being helpful, Protecting others, Seeing other people happy
Dislikes: Bad attitudes, Using weapons, death
Fears: Being deactivated, Being hated, Someone getting hurt because she didn't protect them
Talent: Tactician
Weakness Stealth
Overall Personality: DTR-U75's main goal in life is to help others. Her strongest drive is to protect them but if she can be of assistance in any other way then she will. Despite talking in a very fancy and complex manor she shows all the emotions of a human. Normally she is very cheery and happy and can be found smiling quite a bit. Due to her processing speed and connection to the internet as well as her base programming she is an excellent tactician and while she isn't very good at attacking she can direct others on how to move or position themselves for the most efficient attack. She is nearly incapable of harming any human or faunus on purpose and will actively avoid fighting them.

Aura type: Healing
Aura Color: Neon Green
Semblance: H.Pulse: Healing Pulse, DTR-U75 imprints a unique code into someone, in which not only allows her to immediately locate/track the code, but when the code receives Aura from DTR-U75, it triggers which converts the received Aura into an electrical pulse that rush through the target, healing them. Upon use though, the code become unusable after the trigger, disintegrating requiring a new code to be imprinted. The engraving happens upon contact of DTR-U75 Palm and the Target. However currently DTR-U75 has no access to her semblance for unknown reasons unrelated to any form of hardware limit or malfunction.
Item 1: Physical armor: A defensive lining on her synthetic skin that protects against attacks
Item 2: Dust armor: A nearly invisible field that can be put up around her synthetic skin that protects from dust based attacks

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by DTR-U75 on Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:09 pm; edited 9 times in total

Lapis Valesti

Lapis Valesti
Banned Semblances

Grimm Summoning falls under " Banned Semblance " though I'm thinking its more directed on method itself, though it still clash with that rule, and I know there is a reason for that to be on the Banned Semblance even if I don't know myself.

I personally don't have issue with the semblance as it's not Broken regarding the systems of the site and can think of some really cool applications and really fun scenarios, but at the end of the day you're still summoning Grimm, even if its through more natural ways than what the rule was made for.

- Change your Semblance
- Seek out Richard or Leena to get their thoughts on this, in which case I would gladly switch to approved if they had no problem with this.



Lapis Valesti

Lapis Valesti
Defense Tactics and Readiness Unit 0075 (DTR-U75) [Done] Approved%20Stamp_zps1zo3sj7c

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