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Shio [Done]

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1Shio [Done] Empty Shio [Done] Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:54 am


Enrollment Form

Shio [Done] Shio210

Basic info
Name: Shio
Age: 18
Birthday: 4/11/XXXX
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus (Jaguar)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 204 lbs
Face Claim: Rom; Show By Rock!

STR: 5
DEF: 3
RES: 3
SPT: 1
Aura 130|170 HP

Major: Combat
Likes: Working Out, Relaxing, Warm Weather, Cute Girls
Dislikes: Studying, Responsibilities, Authority
Fears: Human vs Faunus War (Again), Gruesome Death, Enclosed Spaces

Overall Personality: Shio has a laid back personality almost to a concerning level, he doesn't stress about anything and is a roll with the punches kinda guy. Overall a friendly guy who loves meeting new people. Unlike some other Faunus, Shio holds no distrust or ill feelings towards Humans and actually gets along with them quite well. Shio enjoys spending his time usually found in the shade of some tree or sleeping atop of its branches and he does this at any time especially when he's supposed to be in class. Shio isn't a "Bad Boy" even if he has done some less than reputable things. However, he seems to drag trouble around with him, I guess you could just consider him unlucky.

Despite being a "friendly guy" he doesn't tend to interfere with anything that isn't his business which has resulted in him being told he'd make a poor Huntsman as they are supposed to act the complete opposite of his normal attitude, this doesn't phase him and he'll probably even agree with you before going back to whatever he was doing beforehand.

Relaxed, Friendly, Cool, that's Shio.

Aura type: Speed
Aura Color: Orange

Semblance: Overdrive! (Buff Semblance [Strength + 2]) A fairly straight-forward Semblance that when activated buffs Shio's Strength Stat and only his own. Cost 10 Aura per post activated.

Item 1: Weapon (Shio acquired/built his Weapon during his days as a White Fang lackey, with a little know-how he put it together but it has never once seen real combat, due to Shio's strength he can wield it around with ease despite its large size and chain.)

Item 2: Leather Throwover: Instead of Shio's normal jaguar print throw he'll replace this with a physical defensive throw that zips and protects himself more.

History and Sample

RP Sample:

2Shio [Done] Empty Re: Shio [Done] Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:39 pm


Bump! Ready for approval!

3Shio [Done] Empty Re: Shio [Done] Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:47 am

Lloyd Vanheim

Lloyd Vanheim

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