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Talel Belmont "Done"

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1Talel Belmont "Done" Empty Talel Belmont "Done" Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:40 pm


Enrollment Form

Talel Belmont "Done" 73a10d79-s

Basic info
Name: Talel Abraham Michael Van Helsing Belmont
Nickename(s): Archangel | Flower of the Desert | Golden Rose of the Savanna
Age: 21
Birthday: July 30
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 178 cm.
Weight: 66 kg.
Body Type: Balanced
Muscluar Physique: Above Average
Hair Color: Golden Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Peach Tan
Bodily Odor/Scent: Desert Flowers
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Vocal Accent: Zevran: Dragon Age: Origins [Exotic Accent basically.]
Face Claim: Edge Maverick: Star Ocean The Last Hope

STR: 5
DEF: 3
RES: 3
SPT: 1
Aura 100|200 HP

Major: Duster
Likes: Animals, Faunus, Cute things
Dislikes: Dead things, Bullies, Evil People
Fears: Losing friends, Losing his siblings, Losing his weapon
Overall Personality: A cheery and happy fellow, Talel or Abraham is a very positive person who enjoys having a smile and seeing the brighter things in life, he tends to keep a child like aura about him. Meaning he tends to give off a form of bubbly tone and always keeping things in the brighter moods, he tends to do this for he dislikes negativity around him. Seeing how his life was mostly filled with it, Talel is also a very stubborn person, one who doesn't give up too easily, depending on the situation he will stay at a task for hours to even days if need be. He is a very sweet and kind person who tends to make friends easily, he enjoys other people's company and often will strike up a short conversation, in combination of being kind, he is a gentle being which can be seen with his love of animals. Faunus are one of the few examples of his kindness and gentleness with animals, seeing how Faunus are Humanoid Animals, to him he see's all Faunus as wonderful beings, and wishes to befriend them all if possible. He also has a tender heart for children seeing how he is a child at heart and a older brother figure figuratively and literally, for he has three younger siblings, a younger baby sister, and two younger brothers. Talel isn't without his downsides, despite his kind and tender like nature, he does hold a short and violent fuse, if something pushes him beyond his limits of calmness, he will become like a angry child, attacking those he see's as enemies, this can be seen if someone harms his friends, family or classmates.

Aura type: Power: +1 Strength Stat
Aura Color: Golden-White
Semblance: Buff/Defense/Damage/Utility [Element: Light]: Talel has an unique Semblance, being that he can manipulate light particles and concentrate them into fixed points on his back, these points construct ten brilliant wing like blades which sparkle like stars in the day time. This Semblance has a quirky name that Talel has personally called the Solarium Symbolism.

Semblance Physical Appearance:

Semblance Details: Talel's Semblance also has a hidden feature, it allows his emotions to be revealed by the colour of the ten wings when they are released, there are several colours that represent his current mood, and several moods can be seen at once if possible.

Black - Fear, Nothing, Angst, Serious, Overworked, Stormy, Depressed, Intense

Yellow - Anxious, Cool, Cautious, Distracted, Mellow, So-So

Orange - Stressed, Nervous, Mixed, Confused, Upset, Challenged, Indignant

Green-Peridot - Mixed Emotions, Restless, Irritated, Distressed, Worried, Hopeful

Green-Light Green - Normal, Alert, No Great Stress, Sensitive, Jealous, Envious, Guarded

Blue-Green - Upbeat, Pleased, Somewhat Relaxed, Motivated, Flirtatious

Blue - Normal, Optimistic, Accepting, Calm, Peaceful, Pleasant

Indigo-Darker Blue - Deeply Relaxed, Happy, Lovestruck, Bliss, Giving

Violet-Burgandy - Love, Romance, Amorous, Heat, Mischievous, Moody, Dreamer, Sensual

Pink - Very Happy, Warm, Affectionate, Loving, Infatuated, Curious

- Buff: By summoning the light energy around his body, Talel is able to manifest ten brilliant sparkling wings behind him, when he does this he is able to make the wings, five at a time. Spin around him like a rotating totem ritual, and allow his body to be enveloped in the energy and convert the Solar light energy into a chemical energy allowing his body to become naturally enhanced. (Hence Photosynthesis like energy conversion)
Basic Information: Add 2 to the named statistic (Str, Res, Def, or Spt) for 10 Aura/post, even if it would go above the natural maximum. Only one buff can be active at a time. Speed can also be buffed granting you an extra attack over your base number. When buffing more than one person, you give 1 stat point to each ally.

- Defense: Much like his previous ability, Talel is able to summon his ten wings that sparkle, but unlike before he is able to summon the ten wings to provide him a form of defense, whenever an attack is incoming. He is able to command the ten wings to deflect the damage that would cause him harm in increments of 20 damage, but this comes at a price. For the 20 damage deflection, he loses all ten of his wings for every two points of damage that would have been done to him. (They come back when he uses his next 20 Aura Points.)
Basic Information: Gain a 1 to 1 ratio of defense against an attack up to 20 AP/DMG per post. Damage resisted this way is unchanged by any stat.

- Damage: Much like his defense, Talel can make his ten wings attack instead of defend, the same concept applies, and can command his ten wings to attack a single target, each wing does two damage, and once the damage has been applied to the set target the wings vanish. (They come back when he uses his next 20 Aura Points.)
Basic Information: Semblance damage is unresisted by any stat, meaning if it hits it does the full amount. You deal a 1 to 1 ratio of damage to Aura up to 20 AP/DMG per post.
Semblance Status Effect: After been dealt damage via fire dust, fire related semblance or fire related weapon. For every 20 damage the burned-player deals the burned-player takes 5 damage (At affinity one). Target is not impaired. Can be healed through a burn heal or any kind of healing semblance, five that would be lost is neutralized by healing aura but if you deal damage resulting in over five points of burn damage to yourself you just subtract 5 from the total burn damage. At affinity two- You take 5 for every 15 you deal At affinity three- You take 5 for every 10 you deal At affinity four-Likelihood increases-

- Utility: Instead of doing damage, or defending, or even causing buffs to himself or others, Talel can make his wings do one incredible feat, only he can do this, but for using outside of combat or going into combat. Talel is able to make his wings levitate him off the ground of a maximum distance of three feet, this can be done for as long as his wings are physically in the world. Whenever they disappear, his power to levitate goes away, and if over a gap and falling, if his wings are out, Talel takes no fall damage.
Basic Information: Utility semblance when used in combat, what this semblance does is up to the character, and costs 10 Aura per use. Mundane tasks such as using the aforementioned Pyrokinetic semblance to light a torch has no Aura cost. Creation semblances, Manipulation semblances, and Telekinetic Semblances are limited to one element/material.

Item 1: Solar Empress: The sword named Solar Empress  is a one handed Energy Blade, which is comprised of a intensely concentrated flow of highly heated Photon Light Particle Energy. Going by many names, Solar Equinox, Quelling Sun Blade, Blade of the Blazing White Sun, all are dated back to the original name, Solar Empress. This sword was passed down the Belmont Family Lineage, and is a powerful weapon that has gone through many re-forgings, and upgrades, the sword was not always a one handed sword, once it was a great sword. But was far too rigid and heavy to wield properly, so was reforged after a accident using the blade caused it to shatter from a heavy strike. After that it underwent through several changes before becoming the sword it is now, a marvelous Technological weapon that uses an Alternative Form of Energy Crystal in it's blue fuller, which is comprised of unknown material metal that melds with Crystals, this center Fuller essentially is one enormous Crystal. Which is as dense and sturdy as steel, while the White and Cyan energy that passes off the center fuller or energy source, is the Energy blade in itself, this White and Cyan hue energy is able to strike objects and act like a physical weapon. The mechanical looking scabbard which holds Solar Empress, is designed to negate the intense heat which the blade emits, the various colours matching his armor only add additional points to visual aesthetics, for the base of the scabbard slides up when the weapon is drawn, and slides down when it is sheathed.
1.) Richard Lionheart stated that I was allowed a weapon made of Energy.
2.) The weapon uses Photon Light Particles that when passing through the Blue Crystal Fuller, bcome Ionized and then weaponized, making the Energy Blade.

Top is without scabbard, bottom is with scabbard.:

Item 2: Data Warp (Physical Armor): The Data Warp is a sleeveless heavily-armored prototype synthetically comprised suit of armor, combining both clothe like fabrics and metal pieces together to create an intricate set of armor, which is comfortable to wear in all climate weather. The multicolored metal fiber shirt and trousers have various metal plates scattered, these plate also cover his arms, legs, feet and hips. The right arm is exposed all for a copper hue band around the upper arm and the left arm holds metal arm gauntlet that reaches to the area below the shoulder. Despite the look of the armor, and how it is made, it is surprisingly light and provides a good amount of defense towards physical damage, but is not ideal for stealth due to the white, yellow various other bright colours.

Data Warp:

History and Sample
RP Sample:

Last edited by Talel on Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:38 am; edited 18 times in total (Reason for editing : Minor Editing.)

2Talel Belmont "Done" Empty Re: Talel Belmont "Done" Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:32 am


Just going to bump this for approval.

3Talel Belmont "Done" Empty Re: Talel Belmont "Done" Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:09 pm

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
Talel Belmont "Done" Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

4Talel Belmont "Done" Empty Re: Talel Belmont "Done" Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:30 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Moved for fixes due to misunderstanding ^^ bump when done

5Talel Belmont "Done" Empty Re: Talel Belmont "Done" Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:50 pm


Le Bump

6Talel Belmont "Done" Empty Re: Talel Belmont "Done" Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:50 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart

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