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Cerise Dalton

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1Cerise Dalton  Empty Cerise Dalton Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:45 am


Enrollment Form

Cerise Dalton  Tumblr_nn4c7civjS1uor091o9_500

Basic info
Name: Cerise Dalton
Age: 18
Birthday: January 7th
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Face Claim: Kyoko Sakura - Madoka Magica

STR: 5 (+1)
DEF: 4
RES: 2
SPT: 1
Aura 160|140 HP

Major: Combat

Combat: There's nothing that makes her feel more alive than a good fight. The harder the challenge, the better it is for her. She seeks this thrill actively, without a care about how it endangers her personal well-being.

Sweets: Poki sticks are her favorite. She always has a box of them handy and is constantly chewing on them. She likes the dark chocolate ones the best. However, she also enjoys eating any other kind of candy or baked good.

Shopping: Cerise likes to indulge and treat herself, especially if it's at the expense of her father's money, even though she doesn't really have direct access to it anymore.


Pacifists: Cerise considers them hypocrites, especially when they preach. In her opinion, they're just out to save their own skins but are too weak to fight for themselves.

Weaklings: They act against the need to preserve themselves and then expect to be guarded by others. Cerise thinks it's pathetic and deserving of little more than scorn. She does have some respect for those who try to make themselves strong despite their current circumstances, however.

Her Parents: Abuse and neglect doesn't even begin to cover what they did to her. She has nothing but pure disdain for them at this point and is sure that they'll eventually try to get her back home through whatever means they can.


Solitude: It's an oxymoron, really. Cerise's personality tends to drive people away. She does it somewhat on purpose in order to protect herself, but at the same time, loneliness also causes her a great deal of pain. She's scared that in the end, she'll be abandoned.

Being forgotten: Life is ephemeral in nature and Cerise know that. Still, she fears fading into nothingness, that she'll accomplish nothing at all throughout her life worth being proud of. That's probably why she dedicates herself to fighting so much. It's a way for her to try to leave a mark.

Darkness: She was often left alone in the dark for long periods of time - days, sometimes - as a child. The effect still lingers, though she has learned to hide its effects.

Overall Personality: If there's one word that can be used to describe Cerise, it's selfish. She could help out someone in need, sure, but she usually only does so if there's some sort of benefit for her or if it doesn't hinder her in any way. Self-preservation is always her first priority and she has no qualms about making that clear, no matter what people call her. To her, it's simply following instinct and the laws of nature to put herself and her interests first. Therefore, she thinks everyone who claims not to be doing the same is only trying to play the hero or martyr in order to look good or get attention.

Cerise is also confident, almost to the point of being cocky. She likes to show off her strengths and assert her superiority when she gets the chance. She is capable of recognizing when she's severely outmatched and in those cases, she will restrain from showing off. She also has a tendency to look down on people unless they earn her respect, which is by no means easy. She is brash and violent, lacking a filter and looking for a fight just about anywhere. This makes her come off as unapproachable to most people. Nevertheless, there's a part of her that she refuses to acknowledge that wants company and friendship.

Lastly, despite her penchant for battle, she also has a feminine side, likely left over from how she was raised. She enjoys the frivolous aspects of femininity - dresses, make-up, shopping sprees. She takes offense when someone accuses her of being a tomboy.


Aura type: Power
Aura Color: Gold

Semblance: Spark [Strength Buff]: Cerise is able to control the electric currents running through her body and that of other people. This isn't to say, by any means, that she can control how they move. Through contact, she can temporarily scramble the signals in order to cause paralysis or disorientation. On the other hand, Cerise can also intensify these electric symbols to increase her physical strength and that of others or weaken it to numb pain. It is worth noting that contact is needed for this semblance to work on someone else. Moreover, Cerise is capable of channeling it into her weapon in order to achieve said contact.

Item 1: Thunder Blitz [Level 1 Segmented Spear] - A spear divided into five different segments, with a chain linking them in between. Due to the mechanisms inside the spear, Cerise is able to accurately control how the chains bend for accuracy during combat. While in this state, the spear has a maximum extension of 12 meters.

Item 2: Red Dress Shirt [Level 1 Physical Armor] - Covers her chest and thighs from physical damage.

History and Sample


RP Sample:

2Cerise Dalton  Empty Re: Cerise Dalton Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:09 am

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
Cerise Dalton  Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

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