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Blaze Anglides (FIN?) (Fin

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1Blaze Anglides (FIN?) (Fin Empty Blaze Anglides (FIN?) (Fin Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:50 pm


Basic info
Name: Blaze Anglides
Age: 17
Birthday: February 24
Gender: Male
Race: Android
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 179
Face Claim: Personal artwork

DEF: 4
Aura 140|160 HP

Group: Warrior
Likes: Food, His Small Foxes, People who fight to protect the their friends
Dislikes: People who don’t consider others feelings, wasted food, the color orange
Fears: His demon overlord of a father, heights, cantaloupes
Overall Personality: Behind his happy and slightly ditzy facade is a torchered mastermind. He will protect his friends with extreme prejudice and make you look like a flaming idiot at the same time. He is a little insecure due to the “demon overlord” he calls his “father” but he tries not let that bother him. He is happiest is the winter months and loves gifts and usually does not care what they are. His emotions are also easily swayed through kindness and friendship. He only gets truly angry when people are rude to their friends or to his friends. he is very obedient to his superiors, until they start using him for evil or bad intent.

Aura type: Power
Aura Color: Amethyst
Semblance: Faze Shift (it causes Blaze to vibrate at such a rate that he can walk through walls and give plus 2 to defense. It cost 10 mana per turn.)
Item 1: The Gauntlets of Blood and Fire (two elegant gauntlets that shimmer one like blood another like fire. Has no actual effects, except those of normal weapons. )
Item 2: light iron armor (a light armor made out of iron and is extremely sturdy)

Blaze Anglides was born to an extremely prosperous man in atlas. His father was very rude and pompous but most of all abusive. He would work Blaze until he would collapse and then some. Blaze eventually developed insomnia having extremely strange dreams when he was asleep. He ran off to live with his cousin Holly Dai when he was 7. He lived for his martial arts classes but liked the sword wielding classes the best. He always kept a happy face even though touchy conversations. He learned his semblance through a dream one of the few times he was able to sleep. He very friendly despite his screwed up past and hates to see people unhappy and will do what he can to help. He know when he is being used and will stop immediately if he sees that he is being used. Blaze is also trained in almost every type of martial arts. He used to be a life and blood human until a year before joining the academy after his real body was destroyed in a terrible accident involving an attack on the village that he and holly dai live. His actual brain is in the android body he is extremely experimental and has a darker form when his emotions snap due to this. is school he was bullied for being thin and weak but he could always beat them in martial arts classes and in any sort of quiz. He enjoys small foxes due to a pet fox he had when he was younger that had passed away and, he had a best friend that was a faunus that showed him how to use mana. After his graduation he went to his first carnival finding that he has a massive amount of accuracy and skill with guns and massive amounts of strength, he graduated at 15 due to his torture at younger ages he studied more than he needed to.

Sample:beast tamers! (only for sample) “also a flashback”
They had attacked the village, they had killed children, and they had utterly destroyed his cousin's shop. The grim where everywhere tearing apart everything, a beast tamer in charge of all that was happening Blaze was angry increasingly so he could feel his insanity creeping up on him.

“Destroy everything my faithful grim! KILL THEM ALL! the beast tamer shouted While laughing hysterically.

He saw the bloodshed and it all just clicked and he was in full rage. He burst from the shelter he was hiding in crushing three grim as he lands and uses their corpses to destroy three more. His muscles were sore from running but he didn’t care he was going to kill all of them. the grim where tearing him apart and feeding his anger he fought harder and harder.


he continued his killing spree headed toward the beast tamer and his goons killing them off by the time he got to the beast tamer he was just a torso a head and arm stubs.

“What are you going to do now? You are nothing but a stub and past the point of return. You will die for nothing! “The beast tamer said calmly.

“That's what you think.” Blaze replied breathing heavily.

Blaze then quickly fazed into the beast tamers legs then unfazed causing the man to trip. he then takes a nearby knife in his mouth and fazed again stabbing the man in the heart and head multiple times. after this he leans back and his world goes black.

Goodbye. I have done more for this world than it has done me and put myself into the lord's hands willingly… He rasped before passing.

When he woke up he saw a bright light and felt a tingling sensation in the back of his head. He sat up feeling his new synthetic skin and the usb port behind his skin.

I don't think this is heaven. but i'm not alive i know that. Blaze said questioningly.

Just then his uncle and Holly came into the room detaching machines and checking him up.

“can you speak?” His uncle questioned.


“Good.” He said looking over blaze.

“Everything seems functional.”

He sat blaze up and lead him to holly who looked on the verge of tears. she then hugged him and burst into tear blaze hugged back still confused about his situation.

What happened? blaze asked.

We gave you a new body as an android. The only thing on you that is human is your brain. You are highly experimental but it seems successful! Holly replied slightly sobbing still.

The reality of the situation hit Blaze hard . He looked down at Holly sadly then realized this is fate giving him a second chance hoping to repay him for his valor. Then he decided he would stop sulking and try to do more with his newfound life. The next day he and Holly left for syne academy.

Last edited by dj2499 on Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : change in semblance)

2Blaze Anglides (FIN?) (Fin Empty Re: Blaze Anglides (FIN?) (Fin Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:53 pm

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson

I will be your mod for your character application :)

So everything seems fine, except for a little something with the Semblance.

You can't evade all attacks as you mention for now, it would be a bit too powerful. The most you can do as a defensive use for it would be to use it so that you take less damage. Either as a passive defense buff for the whole post (which costs 10 aura and gives you a +2 defense bonus), or an active defense use for one attack (which blocks as much damage as the amount of aura you spent on it, up to a maximum of 20 aura for 20 damage ignored). Still, in the end, you can't be immune to damage while in faze shift or it would be too strong.
Passing through matter is fine though and it would cost 10 aura everytime you activate it as a utility use.
Please refer to the Aura and semblance rules for the possible uses of the semblance and their respective aura cost. So long as it's logical for your semblance to do it, you can do it, but it has to remain within those rules in there.

Other than that, everything seems fine to me :)

Just post after me when you're done editing so I know when you're finished ^^

3Blaze Anglides (FIN?) (Fin Empty semblance changed Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:10 pm


i changed the semblance as suggested and i hope that it will be an acceptable change for blaze to be confirmed>

4Blaze Anglides (FIN?) (Fin Empty Re: Blaze Anglides (FIN?) (Fin Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:06 pm

Jet Jeyson

Jet Jeyson
Yup! That is fine ^^

One thing I didn't mention but that is because I assumed since it's obvious is that you didn't precise clearly if it was physical or magical armor. It's pretty obviously a physical armor but should it not be, PM me and I'll pull back the application so you can edit it and mention Magical Armor.

Otherwise, you are now approved and are granted with Jet's first ever Stamp of Approval!

Blaze Anglides (FIN?) (Fin Jet_Stamp_of_Approval

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