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Aaron Marino "Done"

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1Aaron Marino "Done" Empty Aaron Marino "Done" Wed Mar 16, 2016 12:43 am

Shun Shinobu

Shun Shinobu
Enrollment Form

Aaron Marino "Done" 74e5df6d-9a06-40cf-bf72-1a1505b239bc_zpsi2annpur

Basic info
Name: Aaron Marino
Age: 18
Birthday: March 26th
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus- Black Tiger
Height: 5'9
Weight: 155 lbs.
Face Claim: Machina Kunagiri: Final Fantasy Type-0

STR: 3
DEF: 3
RES: 3
SPT: 3
Aura 150|150 HP

Group: Gadgeteers
1.) Women: Aaron is basically a gentleman and a ladies man, he prefers to be around them and talk to them as he works better with them.
2.) Reading: Aaron likes a good book, he tends to do then when he has nothing else to do.
3.) Sweets: Aaron has a huge sweet tooth, and loves anything that is sweet in flavor.

1.) Rudeness: Aaron was raised to be a rather polite person and rudeness to him is something he doesn't find too attractive.
2.) Sour Foods: It collides against his sweet tooth, and anything sour makes Aaron sick to his stomach, which puts him into a bad mood.
3.) Ugliness: It's simple as that, if Aaron finds it ugly, he will not like it ever, this can be in appearance, mentally or personality.
4.) Womanizers: To him, it is fine to flirt and have fun, but to him if you start something, it better not be for personal reason or petty ones. He hates to see a woman heart broken over a man who cheated on them or left them for no reason at all.

1.) Acrophobia: Aaron is a person who fears heights, or being very high up, it's the one reason he tends to avoid going to third level buildings.
2.) Astraphobia: A fear that afflicts Aaron during heavy storms, and will cause him to freeze up, the loud noise that he hears hurts his head. And as such will make him afraid to be anywhere other than inside a room, or a closet.
3.) Trypanophobia: Aaron is a person that hates needles, and would rather not come across them, if he see's one he will turn in the opposite direction. And if he is forced to go near it, he will turn violent, very quick and will do harm to anyone near him.

Overall Personality: Aaron is a rather soft. hearted man, who is fun loving and tends to stick with people he calls friend. He is rather thick headed at times, and can be rather lazy when things get boring. Aaron has a bad habit to day dream and be absentminded, and can be rather quiet at times. During these moments he is somewhat like a relaxed deer, if you startle him, he might not like it, and will snap. Aaron also has a slight temper that should be noted, though he has gotten out of his rather angry state. He does still retain some of his short temper, and does from time to time break out in fits of rage if pushed. Aaron is a nice guy, he is intelligent, kind hearted, mature, caring and patient guy, he cares for others, and is always staying on their good sides. His feelings for his kindness and caring. As he is very somber and mature like, never acting like a child, or starting something that does not need to be began. Aaron also seems to be rather patient with all situations, he keeps his cool and never gets frustrated. At times, Aaron seems to act nervous around new people, but quickly tries to shake it off to get use to the feeling, mostly this is harder around the female group.

Aaron without a doubt, is a ladies man, he loves everything about them, their personalities, their senses of humor, and the way they can play games with a man, they are always mysterious and he finds that wonderful about them. When is comes to women, he can never truly expect anything from them, but a guy is somewhat predictable, Aaron likes the fact of not knowing what will come next, and women give him that sense he is looking for, not only that, but Aaron is a gentleman, he compliments them. He has proper etiquette, holding doors open for them, getting them flowers on certain occasions, or the little things that most others would miss. But despite all this, he never has the courage to properly ask a woman out on a date or anything, he fears being rejected will send him into being alone. And that is one thing he does not want, so most of the time he gets friend zoned, something he doesn't mind at all. Aaron, being intelligent, he is smarter than other humans, he can't say he is smarter than others, but he knows certain things that many people would not know.

Aura type: Recovery: +5 Aura per post.
Aura Color: Azure Blue
Semblance: Kiss of Cassandra: A Semblance that Aaron can't explain how it occurs, the power he holds occurs when he kisses any person, may it be through the cheeks, lips or any other part of the body. When this kiss makes successful contact it works like the effect of Frozen, but this only works and counts as a attack from him. And unlike the effect, his has a maximum of 2 posts, meaning his power goes no higher than 2 posts for the same effect, and thus it also has another downside. Each time he uses it, he has a 4 post cool down rate while this power is an Utility, having a 10 Aura point marker and can't cause physical damage to others, and only flame base Semblances, Fire Dust or weapons can negate this power.
Effect: (Frozen: After being dealt damage via Ice dust, Ice related semblance or ice related weapon. Target cannot run/walk but can fight/defend, lasts 2 posts (At affinity one). Thawed by fire semblance/fire dust/fire related weapon.)

Item 1: Scylla & Charybdis: A pair of uniquely constructed rapiers, these twin blades are identical weapons other than that, Scylla is a black blade and Charybdis is a white like silvery blade. Both blades hold no edge and are shaped in a spiral like form, holding a diamond shape arrow at the tip. Below the spiral like blades lies three cog like guards, the three circular cogs consist of a crimson red on the top, a golden one in the middle and a jet black at the very bottom. Below the black cog guard is a tapered golden or bronze like piece that tapers to a black leather wrapped handle. Connected to another golden brass cog that is welded to a golden brass pommel which has a green like gem in bedded into each side of the pommel.

Item 2: Aka Manto: A wondrous red cloak that is worn around the shoulders and is held by a single elaborately made bronze cuplet, the cloak has a high risen collar and extends to the users legs.

History and Sample

RP Sample:

2Aaron Marino "Done" Empty Re: Aaron Marino "Done" Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:07 am

Sammey White

Sammey White
Hi i'm Sammey and this app is
Aaron Marino "Done" Sammey13

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