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Sumner Serrell

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1Sumner Serrell Empty Sumner Serrell Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:21 am

Sumner Serell

Sumner Serell
Enrollment Form

Sumner Serrell Ym8SbBR

Basic info
Name: Sumner Serrell
Age: 19
Birthday:April 8th
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5'10
Weight: 170lbs
Face Claim: Original image


Str: 4

120 Aura|180HP


Likes: Moving around, Being with other people, Adrenaline.
Dislikes:Staying still for long periods of time, Quietness, Standoffish people, People with big egos, Pessimists
Fears: Being alone, Growing old, Small spaces

Overall Personality Sumner is a thrill seeker. He lives for moments of unparalleled danger and excitement. He trains to fight grimm for this very reason. He is a hedonist, and believes that a person's purpose in life should be trying to get as much enjoyment/happiness out of life as possible. Sumner derives his enjoyment from adrenaline, and nothing makes his heart beat faster than dodging the claw of a enraged grimm. When he isn't near death's scythe, He enjoys hanging out with other people and friends, trying to get them to be happy too. He tends to tell a lot of jokes to others. Most of them are usually pretty bad.


Aura type:Defense
Aura Color: Green
Semblance: Lift is Sumner's utility semblance, and it allows him to lift and move metal items in a 30ft radius. He uses this to move heavy objects he shouldn't be able to lift, and to move around on objects that shouldn't move, such as placing a sheet of metal under his feet and riding on it due to his semblance.
Stick and move: Stick and move are Sumner's weapons. They are two foot metal bastons.
Magical Armor: Sumner wears rating 1 magical armor. The armor is two golden plates that he wears on his shoulders, like so:





2Sumner Serrell Empty Re: Sumner Serrell Sat Jan 02, 2016 12:21 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart

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