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Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete]

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1Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete] Empty Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete] Thu Oct 29, 2015 5:06 am


Enrollment Form

Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete] FrLnQ9BQ4HY

Basic info
Assigned Name: Voxel lexel Lexov
Project Name: V.O.X.E.L (Versatile Ordinance X Elimination Licenced Product)  
Age: Classified- Appears to be age seventeen
Birthday: October 13th
Gender: Male
Race: Android
Height: 5'11
Weight: 167 lbs.
Face Claim: Casshern: Casshern Sins

STR: 4
DEF: 2
RES: 2
SPT: 4
Aura 130|170 HP

Group: Duster
- Other individuals
- Gathering Intel
- Literal Tomes
- Hand to Hand Combat
- Electrical Currents
- Incorrect Information
- Grimm
- Arachnophobia
- Aquaphobia
- Acrophobia
Overall Personality: a extremely docile, somber and doll like individual, one who seems to show little to no emotion. He is rather closed in, as he rarely ever shows emotion, he is very somber, and acts very mature. He is somewhat of a doll at times, but when he does show emotion, he shows them in a rather secretive manner, only giving a slight smile. He tends to speak in monotone like words, and speech patterns, though this is the case, he is a very curious individual. He tends to keep his databanks on the lookout for new information, and tends to always be recording such important info. He is always evolving and changing his personality to fit to his surroundings when he feels need be, and will often take people off-guard at a change in his individuality. Though he is programmed to evolve and adapt, he tends to be somewhat bullheaded and will at times enter a system evaluation protocol. When in this state he will go through a evaluation listing of events to perform if such new information if gathered and the possible outcomes that could arise from it. Even to the point of him going against orders that he was given, Project V.O.X.E.L is one individual that is also excellent at taking orders. And often will follow them to the fullest of his extent, as such was his programming.

This all changes in combat though, Voxel was programmed to be a killing machine in the war of the Grimms, and as such he is unforgiving. He is merciless and rather cold and calculating when facing his opponent, he strikes true and hits like a truck. He often will be invigorated by combat that his true nature will show up and will slowly tear his opponent apart, just to see if it will react like all living creatures would. He finds it fascinating to see how certain beasts innerworkings operate, and when he is in combat will tear open their bodies to understand them more. Though his programming is set to the Grimm only, this does not include humans, with the, his AI programming prevents him from killing them. He instead goes into a Training Simulation, and will spare with a human instead of actual lethal combat. While fighting humans, he will instruct them on how to be a better fighter in hand to hand combat, and how to counter such attacks. While also praising them for good works, and learn more about others around him, this in turn makes him a excellent teacher in martial arts, and unarmed fighting.

Aura type: Defense
Aura Color: Blue-white
Semblance: Mechanical Enhancement: By allowing his robotic programming and his combat systems to kick in, Voxel is able to increase the parameters of his vessel. He is able to increase various traits of his body and essentially "buff" himself up. Though this is usually visible as his body will alter upon the certain enhancement he initiates. His body muscle for when he increases his Brawn, leg muscles for his Speed, and his eye movements when Reflexes are increased. While his Spirit is not yet known, this effect stays active for ten Aura points to keep it active for every post.

Item 1: Grand Striker: Grand Striker is a standard firearm that was given to Voxel upon his release from the research center located in Atlas. This weapon is a large sized handgun that holds a standard 7 round magazine fed box. The rounds that he fires are larger than most other handguns of this size that use Dust, the weapon is 1,897 grams in weight, and 14.75 inches in length. The barrel is fitted withe standard iron sight, two way locking mechanism and muzzle break to provide more stable firing sights as the kick is tremendous while the shells are ejected upon the right slide through a chrome plate. Upon the handle of the gun is a specialty designed image of a white skull in a black background like backspace, this weapon is one of a kind and is only able to be used by Voxel.

Item 2: Defense Barrier Mark I (Magical Armor): Voxel has a built in defense mechanism that was fitted to being able to defend against Dust related assaults. His source is through a semi transparent Diamond crystal field bubble that is emitted through his entire body when he is attacked. This bubble has a diameter of at least six feet all around him.

History and Sample

RP Sample:

Last edited by Voxel on Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:14 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete] Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete] Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:22 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart
Aura quantity can only be changed in multiples of 10, not 5. Bump when done ^^

3Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete] Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete] Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:09 pm


Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete] 4469541

4Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete] Empty Re: Voxel lexel Lexov [Status Complete] Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:22 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart

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