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Robert Rouge (Complete)

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1Robert Rouge (Complete) Empty Robert Rouge (Complete) Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:32 am

Robert Rouge

Robert Rouge
Enrollment Form

Robert Rouge (Complete) Vzd3qs

Basic info
Name: Robert Rouge
Age: 18
Birthday: 22 may
Gender: Male
Race: Faunus (Black cat ears)
Height: ~5'7ft
Weight: ~120lb
Face Claim: Shin (AMNESIA)

STR: 5
DEF: 2
RES: 2
SPT: 3
SPD: 4
Aura 180|120 HP

Group: Warrior

Likes: Play flute, train, read, trust, trading card games, candy, protect innocents and mainly his friends, ear scratches.
Dislikes: Narrow-minded people, cruelty and being cheated.
Fears: Losing his friends, being unable to protect the ones he loves, being forgotten.

Overall Personality: Rather quiet and calm, Robert enjoys the small things in life. Analyzes people’s reactions all the time and even though it doesn’t looks like at first, he loves to feel others’ affection and trust towards him. Always thinks if the opposite person would to the same for him before doing something for such, most of times even cheating himself just to please the other. In difficult times, a simple act such as holding hands is much better than words themselves. A good company to listen to music or studying is much better than a conversation itself, even though there are also moments to talk and know each other some more. Having his own code, it is a great thing to become his friend since he never lies or cheats one, ever. Trust is an important thing for him.

Aura type: Power
Aura Color: Red

Semblance: Glass Clones - Robert can create identical clones of himself and or nearby things. The clone breaks once hit, shattering and cutting all over the attacker and others nearby, just like glass, though the shards dissipate after injuring.

Item 1: Ostrinus Crescendo - dark red pair of gauntlets with four retractable curved blades that come out from the back of the hands. If used fast enough, the dark red blades leave a split-second blur of same color in its motion. Two gauntlets, eight blades, a considerable amount of blood.
Item 2: Physical Armor - Light leather armor under usual clothing.

History and Sample
RP Sample:

2Robert Rouge (Complete) Empty Re: Robert Rouge (Complete) Thu Nov 12, 2015 4:16 pm

Richard Lionheart

Richard Lionheart

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